Arely and Guadalupe by Arely Morales

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Upcoming Art Courses

Please note: Due to space and resource limitations during the regular school year, we are unable to offer studio courses to non-matriculated students. Non-matriculated students are welcome during summer quarter. Auditors are not allowed in studio courses.

Listings for future quarters are tentative and subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please consult the UW Time Schedule. For a listing of all courses potentially offered, see the Course Catalog.

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Spring 2025

Art (ART) Courses

Coursesort ascending Course Title (click for details) SLN Instructor Meeting Time
ART 140 A Basic Photography 10459 MW 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 140 B Basic Photography 10460 TTh 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 140 C Basic Photography 10461 TTh 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 190 A Introduction To Drawing 10462 MW 8:30am - 11:20am
ART 190 B Introduction To Drawing 10463 MW 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 190 C Introduction To Drawing 10464 TTh 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 233 A Introduction To 3D4M: Glass 10465 MW 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 240 A Intermediate Photomedia I 10466 MW 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 245 A Concepts In Printmaking 10467 Carly Sheehan TTh 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 253 A Introduction To 3D4M: Ceramics 10468 Natalia Arbelaez MW 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 253 B Introduction To 3D4M: Ceramics 10469 Granite Calimpong TTh 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 272 A Introduction To 3D4M: Sculpture 10470 Granite Calimpong MW 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 272 B Introduction To 3D4M: Sculpture 10471 Andrew Fallat TTh 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 290 A Beginning Drawing: The Figure 10472 Kuldeep Singh MW 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 290 B Beginning Drawing: The Figure 10473 MW 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 292 A Beginning Painting 10474 MW 8:30am - 11:20am
ART 292 B Beginning Painting 10475 TTh 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 300 A Photography And Extended Practice 10476 Rebecca Cummins TTh 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 333 A New Materials And Processes In Glass 10477 Henry Jackson-Spieker MW 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 353 A Intermediate Ceramic Art 10478 Michael Swaine TTh 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 355 A Materials In Context For Interdisciplinary Practice 10479 Rob Rhee MW 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 360 A Topics In Studio Art And Practice 10480 Whitney Lynn TTh 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 360 B Topics In Studio Art And Practice 10481 Natalia Arbelaez TTh 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 372 A Intermediate Approaches To Sculpture 10482 Andrew Fallat MW 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 375 A Interdisciplinary Visual Art Seminar 10483 Natalie Elizabeth Krick MW 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 390 A Intermediate Drawing 10484 TTh 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 392 A Intermediate Painting 10485 Zhi Lin TTh 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 392 B Intermediate Painting 10486 TTh 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 393 A Intermediate Painting Topics 10487 Zhi Lin TTh 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 393 B Intermediate Painting Topics 10488 TTh 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 400 A Interdisciplinary Visual Arts Senior Studio 10489 MW 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 440 A Senior Thesis In Photomedia 10490 Rebecca Cummins TTh 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 453 A 3D4M Senior Studio 10491 Michael Swaine TTh 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 460 A Advanced Topics In Studio Art And Practice 10492 Rob Rhee MTTh 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 460 B Advanced Topics In Studio Art And Practice 10493 Natalie Elizabeth Krick MW 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 485 A Alternative Contexts: Site Responsive Interventions 10494 Whitney Lynn TTh 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 490 A Advanced Drawing 10495 Kuldeep Singh MW 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 492 A Advanced Painting: Topics 10496 Sangram Majumdar TTh 8:30am - 11:20am
ART 494 A Senior Seminar In Painting And Drawing 10497 Carly Sheehan TTh 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 494 B Senior Seminar In Painting And Drawing 21242 MW 11:30am - 2:20pm
ART 496 A Art Internship 10498 to be arranged
ART 498 A Individual Projects - Art 10499 to be arranged
ART 515 A Graduate Studio Photomedia 10500 victor yañez-lazcano MW 2:30pm - 5:20pm
ART 553 A 3D4M Grad Studio 10501 Henry Jackson-Spieker F 11:30am - 5:20pm
ART 555 A Studio Topics In Three Dimensional Forum 10502 to be arranged
ART 590 A Interdisciplinary Graduate Seminar In Contemporary Practices 10503 to be arranged
ART 592 A Graduate Studio: Painting 10504 to be arranged
ART 594 A Graduate Seminar In Painting And Drawing 10505 Sangram Majumdar F 2:00pm - 4:50pm
ART 595 A Master Of Fine Arts Research Project 10506 to be arranged
ART 600 A Independent Study Or Research 10507 to be arranged
ART 700 A Master's Thesis 10508 to be arranged

