At the Circus: The Spanish Walk by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

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3D4M Technology Equipment

A small computer lab is available at the CMA. It has 24-hour access for enrolled students, and the computers have the same suite of software tools found in all School computing labs.


  • 3 Apple 27in iMac workstations
  • Scanner
  • Laser printer

For Checkout

  • 1 – Canon EOS 5D Mark II
  • 1 – Nikon D70
  • 1 – Nikon FM3A
  • 2 – Apple MacBooks
  • 1 – Apple MacBook Air
  • 1 – Blackmagic Cinema Camera
  • 2 – Hitachi projectors
  • 2 – Aaxa portable projectors
  • 1 –Lighting kit
  • 1 - Tripod

Equipment Responsibility

Students are responsible for repair or replacement costs related to damage, theft, or loss of all equipment checked out. This includes digital cameras and digital video cameras. Please be careful with these devices so that they continue to be available for use.

Saving Files

All personal work must be saved on a UW UDrive, Google Drive, other cloud-based storage, USB mini-drive, external hard drive, etc.

Computer Lab Policies

  • This lab is for 3D4M majors and graduate students as well as students in 3D4M classes.
  • This equipment is intended to enable users’ access to software and hardware technologies in pursuit of their research and academic work. Gaming and other non-academic uses of the equipment should be avoided.
  • Use of computing resources is a privilege that depends on individuals using the resources appropriately and in accordance with University policies as well as local, state, and federal laws.
  • If demand for equipment is heavy, School staff may set time limits or otherwise regulate computer / printer use.
  • Lab users should demonstrate respect for each other. Keep in mind that some on-screen images, sounds, and/or messages may create an atmosphere of intimidation or harassment for others.
  • Laptops and other personal computing devices may be used in labs via the wireless network. Never unplug cables from lab computers for use with personal devices.

