Thank you for considering a charitable donation to the School of Art + Art History + Design. Your support is crucial in our effort to maintain top-ranked programs within the School and cultivate academic and artistic excellence on campus and beyond. There are many ways your gift can make an impact today.
Give to a Current-Use Fund
Current-use funds are non-restricted gifts that support operational and programming expenses. Your support has a direct impact.
Director's Discretionary Fund
Gifts to the School of Art + Art History + Design Director's Discretionary Fund help the School meet its most critical needs. These unrestricted gifts are used to cover student programming and operational costs of the School.
Graduate Recruitment Fund
Gifts to the Graduate Recruitment Fund support the School’s efforts to recruit and retain excellent graduate students in art, art history, and design. These funds are used to create competitive recruitment packages for admitted graduate students each year.
Friends of Jacob Lawrence Gallery Fund
Gifts to the Friends of Jacob Lawrence Gallery Fund support annual operating expenses and programming needs of the Jacob Lawrence Gallery including the production of exhibitions featuring work by students, faculty, national and international artists; student employment; and honoraria for artists and scholars.
Gifts In-Kind
Donate Materials
The Free Materials Library provides gently used art supplies and books for current art, art history, and design students.
Donate to the Free Materials Library
Matching Gifts
Matching gifts can double your impact on the School of Art + Art History + Design. Contact your Human Resources department to find out if your employer offers matching.
Frequently Asked Questions
I’d like to make a gift by check, where should I mail it?
Please make your check payable to the University of Washington Foundation and indicate which fund or program you wish to support. You can mail your check to the following address:
University of Washington Foundation
Box 359505
Seattle, WA 98195
What other School funds can I give to?
The School has numerous funds that directly support students through scholarships, enrich the student experience through programming, and help faculty pursue innovative research. You may give to a current-use fund or endowment of your choosing. View all the School’s giving options.
I am not sure what fund I should donate to. Who should I contact?
To learn more about giving to the School of Art + Art History + Design, call 1-877-UW-GIFTS or email
Can I give in other ways besides donating to an existing fund?
Yes, there are many other ways you can support the School. Among them are planned giving, in-kind gifts, tribute gifts, and endowments. Visit the Giving to UW website to explore ways to give and get involved.
Who should I contact about the types of giving options?
Here is a list of contacts for giving to UW.
What is the Henry Suzzallo Society?
If you have arranged for a future gift to the UW, including any School funds outlined here, you may be eligible for membership in the Henry Suzzallo Society. Learn more on the Society's web pages, which include contact information for questions.