Shiva as Lord of Dance (Nataraja), Indian (Tamil Nadu)

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Short Title People Involved Related Fields
The Comitán Valley: Sculpture and Identity on the Maya Frontier (2023) Caitlin Earley Ancient, Art History, Latin American, Sculpture
Modeling Maneuvers (2021) Juliet Sperling Art History, Illustration
Unfolding the Metamorphosis (2021) Juliet Sperling 18th Century, American, Art History
“Passeri’s Prologue, the Paragone, and the Hardness of Sculpture’s Perfection.” (2019) Estelle Lingo 17th Century
“Luke, Lena, and the Chiaroscuro of the Sacred: Caravaggio’s Madonna di Loreto” (2019) Estelle Lingo 16th Century, 17th Century
Federico Barocci and the Legacy of the Renaissance (2016) Stuart Lingo Art History, Renaissance
Looking Askance: Machiavelli, the Burlesque, and Bronzino’s Martyrdom of San Lorenzo (Forthcoming) Stuart Lingo Italian, Renaissance


Image Short Title People Involved Related Fields
Images Old and New (2024) Miriam Chusid East Asian, Japanese
An image of the main graphic of the article. Park at Your Own Risk (2024) Karen Cheng, Wyatt Olson, Raziah Ahmad Data Visualization, Visual Communication Design
Mulata in Repose (2024) Jennifer Baez Art History, Caribbean, Diaspora Studies, Feminist Theory, Performance Art, Visual Arts
"Therapeutic Limb Hypothermia for the Treatment of Traumatic Acute Limb Ischemia" (2024) Jason O. Germany Industrial Design
Hell (2024) Miriam Chusid Japanese
The Miraculous Descent of Amida Buddha (2024) Miriam Chusid Art History, Japanese
How to Wrap a Colonizer (2024) Jennifer Baez Art, Caribbean, Diaspora Studies, Feminist Theory, Gender, Indigenous, Visual Culture
“Digital to Physical Medical Modeling: Industrial Design Activities in Support of a Limb Cooling Medical Device” (2023) Jason O. Germany Industrial Design
Women dancing in colorful regalia at totem pole raising Manifesting Rights on Cloth: Regalia and Relations on the Northwest Coast (2023) Kathryn Bunn-Marcuse American Indian/Native American, Art, Canadian, First Nations, Material Culture, Museum Studies/Museology, Visual Arts
“Bespoke and Repetitive: Converging Technologies inthe Design of Custom Products” (2022) Jason O. Germany Industrial Design
Field Notes: Nguyễn Trinh Thi and ikkibawiKrrr, Documenta 15 (2022) Inji Kim 21st Century, Art History
Naiza Khan's Cage Corset and New Clothes for the Emperor  (2022) Ananya Sikand Art History, Contemporary, South Asian
Chila Kumari Singh Burman's Kali (I’m a Mess) (2022) Ananya Sikand Art History, Contemporary, South Asian
Core77 International Design Award 2021, “Runner Up - 2nd Place” – Commercial EquipmentWorldVent Ventillator, Lead designer (2021) Jason O. Germany Industrial Design
IDSA - International Design Excellence Award (IDEA) 2021, “Gold ” – Medical & HealthWorldVent Ventillator, Lead designer (2021) Jason O. Germany Industrial Design
Anacaona Writes Back: The Columbus Monument in Santo Domingo as a Site of Erasures (2021) Jennifer Baez 19th Century, Art History, Caribbean, Diaspora Studies
Modeling Black Piety and Community Membership in the Virgin of Altagracia Medallions (2021) Jennifer Baez 18th Century, Art History, Caribbean, Diaspora Studies
Mediating Salvation in Premodern Japanese Hell Paintings (2021) Miriam Chusid Art History, East Asian, Japanese, Painting


