Men Shoveling Chairs by Circle of Rogier van der Weyden

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Art History PhD Dissertation

View examples of in-progress and completed dissertations from School students and alumni.


Following the General Examination and after the Supervisory Committee has approved a written dissertation proposal, 30 credits of ART H 800 must be taken in preparation for and defense of the dissertation. This may necessitate registration in absentia for one or more quarters. It is the responsibility of the student to check with the Graduate School, the UW Libraries Copyright office, Proquest, and any other guidelines on fair use practices, permissions, and inclusion of images.

Supervisory Committee and Final Examination/Oral Defense

In consultation with the chair of the General Examination Supervisory Committee, membership of the Supervisory Committee may be slightly revised to accommodate fields of expertise necessary for the student’s dissertation work. The Supervisory Committee is comprised of a minimum of four members, who must include two current members of the Art History graduate faculty (including the faculty advisor) and a representative of the Graduate School. A complete draft of the dissertation approved by the chair must be delivered to each member of the Supervisory Committee at least 30 days before the Final Examination date. The Final Examination will be oral and will cover the subject of the dissertation and the student’s research. As stated in Graduate School Memorandum 13, student exams must have four committee members present — including the Chair, GSR and at least one graduate faculty member. If a member(s) needs to participate in an exam but cannot be physically present, the Graduate School allows for video conferences if certain requirements are met. If the Final Examination is satisfactory, the Supervising Committee must certify this to the Graduate School by the last day of the quarter in which the degree is to be conferred. The graduate student should arrange for electronic filing of the dissertation, including obtaining the warrant and receiving approval forms well in advance of the defense. Read about Graduate School requirements for dissertations, including electronic filing.

