
Sand Point Gallery contributes to the vitality of the School by providing a venue for exhibitions, installations, performances, forums, lectures, and media presentations that are curated, organized, and presented by the faculty, graduate students, or undergraduate students of the School.

Instructions for Event Proposals


School faculty and students are welcome to apply. Student applications (both graduate and undergraduate) must be accompanied by a faculty signature of support.

Time Frame

Standard time frame for exhibitions is approximately three weeks, although other periods of time may be assigned due to high demand or will be considered upon request. Single night or weekend uses for performances and other events will also be considered.


If you are planning to serve alcohol at an opening, event, or reception, you must apply for a permit. It is recommended that you do this at least three weeks in advance. Contact the admin office for instructions.

Terms of Use

Approval notice will be sent via email. Please read the notice carefully for further information on the terms of use. Sand Point doors are locked at all times and have combination lockboxes installed on them. Approved users will receive the current combination to doors that are necessary for access. Keys must be immediately returned to the lockboxes. Entrance to the gallery will be from the east side of the building. Event attendees are not allowed to walk freely around the studio building. Please refer to house rules on studio safety and security. All studios are meant to be quiet spaces. Use of sound equipment is only allowed on low volume or with the use of headphones. Exhibited artwork or personal equipment is not insured for loss or damage by the School or the University.


Users are responsible for maintaining the space and restoring it (walls, floor, lights, and furniture) to its original condition before moving out. Programs will be charged damage and clean-up fees when warranted. A faculty signature is required on the application form to guarantee financial responsibility for these possible charges. Please allow extra time for clean-up and moving out before your assigned time period ends. Condition of the space will be checked upon your departure.

Application Process

Prospective users should submit the short application form (PDF) including proposed time frame, type of exhibition or event, a sampling of artists that will be shown, and the relevance of the event to the School community. Please put completed application forms in the Art Building mailbox for Zhi Lin (room 102A, across from elevator) or email applications may be sent to Email applications must be followed by an approval email from a faculty sponsor. Applications without a School faculty signature of support will not be accepted.

Space Type