The Digital Portfolio Studio (DPS) provides equipment for School students to migrate their work into the professional environment. Students must sign a use agreement before their first reservation is made. All rules are explained in the use agreement. Equipment is for use only in the DPS during normal operating hours. 

The photography workstations and equipment are primarily for the use of School students. Faculty who wish to use the equipment for teaching or personal use, whether in person or via their assistants, may do so only on a walk-in basis and standard usage fees will apply.


Art Building, Room 021
Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
Closed during all school breaks and on UW holidays.


Use the online reservation system to reserve a time slot. You can view current reservations here to check for timeslot availability. Students are encouraged to make reservations in advance especially near the end of a quarter. 


There is a $5 lab fee for each one-hour time block. Use the online payment system or visit the School's fiscal office in ART 120  (open Monday–Friday 9am–5pm) to pay with your Husky Card. Bring proof of payment to lab staff in Room 023 when coming for your appointment - this can be an email receipt or paper copy from the fiscal office. 


The following is included in the studio: 

  • Copystand for smaller, flat work
  • Tabletops with background material for small 3D work
  • Large space for large flat and 3D work
  • Apple iMac workstation for file transfer

DSLR cameras, tripods, and lighting equipment can be checked out in the Equipment Checkout Center in Room 023

Students using the DPS who need assistance using the equipment should speak to the staff in the Equipment Checkout Center in Room 023.

Space Type
Technology + Equipment