The Painting + Drawing + Printmaking program has facilities that host classes focusing on different printmaking techniques including monotype, intaglio, relief, screenprint, papermaking, book arts, and letterpress. The program has both water and oil-based facilities and encourages a collaborative community through these processes.
Oil-Based Shops
- Takach Floor Model Press 32” x 56"
- Charles Brand Floor Model Press 36 x 60"
- Intaglio processing equipment
- Intaglio, Relief, Mezzotint Tool Library
- Ventilated Acid Etching Lab
- Brayer and roller library
- Oversized drying racks
Water-Based Shops
- Takach Table Top Press 24 x 48"
- Glen Alps Floor Model Press 26 x 65"
- Screenprint processing lab and equipment
- Nuarc Vacuum Exposure unit 48 x 39"
- Screen library
- Oversized drying racks
- 10 Provisional Presses for Letterpress
- Wood and metal type
- Book arts equipment
- Papermaking equipment
Access to the Printmaking shops and labs is limited to current enrollment in a Printmaking discipline course. 24/7 Access with course enrollment. Independent study students and graduate students are eligible but are required to have Instructional Technician approval, faculty sponsor, and pay a quarterly studio use fee.