Photo by Sean Airhart

Located on the first floor of the Art Building, the woodshop is restricted to UW students currently registered for studio classes who have completed the required Woodshop orientation/training and are working on studio or design course projects. Most students’ first contact with the Woodshop is through an introductory course within their program. The first visit to the Woodshop includes an introduction to safe practices and conduct given by the instructional technician. The student will also fill out paperwork to register as a current user of the Woodshop. 

Hours + Location

Art Building Room 115.
Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM. There is no after-hours access. 
Closed during all school breaks and on UW holidays.


The woodshop counts with table saws (2), a panel saw, band saws (3), chop saws, jointer, planer, drill press, lathe, belt and disk sanders, saws, nail guns, routers and a range of hand tools. The Division of Design manages some adjunct equipment located in rooms 113 and 123E. Access to this equipment is primarily limited to Design students and faculty.

Training + Skill Development

Woodshop training is provided in the context of School curricula. These introductory courses schedule class time in the Woodshop to discuss and practice safe wood working skills specific to a field of study. These skills may be building a canvas stretching frame or panel, building a series of small tables, exploring negative and positive space through construction and deconstruction of a series of cubes, among many others.

Students are encouraged to contact the Woodshop instructional technician to schedule appointments to receive one-on-one instruction in any practices not covered by current School curricula. Faculty should contact the instructional technician well in advance to schedule any in-shop introductions and work periods.

Space Type
Technology + Equipment