Perspective drawing by student

Art London: Art Scenes Past and Present

London Tower bridge at night
Next Offered
Early Fall Start 2022
United Kingdom

2022 Info Sessions

Learn more about London: Art Scenes Past and Present from program leaders Judi Clark and Curt Labitzke. In person info sessions take place in Room 122, Art Building, on Wednesday February 2 and Thursday February 3 at 5:30pm.

If you cannot attend these meetings but have questions, email Judi Clark -

Program Description

London is a city where students can study the art and visual cultures of many civilizations. Museums are free. Students can study, draw, and write while standing in the presence of some of the most iconic artworks and visual accomplishments created in the past 3,000 years of world-wide history.

London is an international city. Dozens of languages are spoken on the street and just as many nationalities are represented in the music, art, theater, shops, street markets and restaurants of the city. London was founded by the Romans, destroyed by Viking raids and valiantly survived the German blitzkrieg in WWII. It has a history full of tragedy, war, survival, great human accomplishment and stunning cultural successes.

There is no other city that is as open to new ideas, interested in nurturing creative diversity, and welcoming of visitors as London.

Possible Travel Restrictions due to COVID-19

For the 2021-2022 academic year, study abroad programs will likely include the following limitations:

  • Programs will be limited to taking place in one country (no international border crossings unless approved by UW Study Abroad)
  • Student personal travel during program dates will be limited to the host country

These restrictions on travel are being considered to reduce complications due to factors such as differing levels of pandemic control between countries, possible border crossing restrictions and/or quarantine policies, regional lockdowns within the host country, etc.

UW Study Abroad will reevaluate these restrictions for the 2022-2023 academic year. Visit our COVID-19 page for more information.

Program Status