Tuition Rates
The estimated annual tuition for 2024–2025* is $18,792 (resident) or $32,811 (non-resident). This estimate is based on one year of full-time enrollment as a student. It does not factor in additional credits, other required fees, textbooks, personal expenses, or any additional annual fee increases.
For full information on current tuition rates, visit the Graduate And Professional Tuition Dashboard. Fill in the residency field, student level, and graduate program of your interest to view the tuition breakdown by year or quarter.
First-Year Recruitment Packages
Different types of recruitment packages – combinations of scholarships, fellowships, and teaching assistantships – are offered to qualified students in the first year of study. No additional application is required. All applicants to our MFA, MDes, MA, and PhD programs are automatically considered, including international applicants.
Teaching Assistantships (TA)
One of the biggest opportunities as a graduate student is to hold a Teaching Assistantship (TA). A TA position covers your quarter’s tuition, and benefits and includes a stipend. In addition, you have the chance to gain experience as an educator and work closely with faculty and undergraduate students.
Examples of Recruitment Packages for the first year of study:
- Incoming MA student: 1-2 quarters of tuition waiver + stipend for first year of study.
- Incoming MFA or MDes students: One quarter TA position (tuition waiver plus stipend) and two quarters of fellowship (tuition scholarship + stipend).
Art History PhD students: Each year the Division of Art History offers two fully funded five-year PhD packages, which are typically comprised of a combination of fellowship support and teaching assistantships. Our primary source of departmental financial support for our graduate students is a limited number of teaching assistantships. MA students are eligible for TAships when available.
Graduate support and fellowships are funded in part from the following endowments:
Jane & David Davis Endowed Fellowship in Art, Boyer & Elizabeth Bole Gonzales Fund, Jacob & Gwendolyn Lawrence Endowed Art Fund, Louis & Katherine Marsh Art Fund, Bruce C. McCready Endowed Memorial, Lloyd W. Nordstrom Art Scholarship, Kenneth L. Striker Scholarship, Olive F. Lockitch Endowed Fund, Ruth E. Penington Endowed Art Scholarship, and the UW Graduate School.
Other Funding Opportunities
Additional funding for the second year of study or beyond is awarded based on funding availability and other factors, including student evaluations and faculty approval.
Research Assistantships (RA)
Employed to conduct research under the direct supervision of a faculty member. Additional information about these positions and other forms of student employment may be found on the School's Employment page.
Graduate Research + Recognition Awards
Our graduate students are involved in exciting program research and often receive recognition by off-campus organizations for achievement in their field of study. The following awards support the expenses involved for the student to either further research or to participate in recognition events:
Award Name | Eligibility | Description | Application |
Merit-Based Awards | |||
Pell Research + Recognition Awards | Art History MA, PhD | Students may apply each quarter | Apply Now |
Gonzales Research + Recognition Awards | MFA | For MFA graduate students in Painting + Drawing, 3D4M, or New Genres. Recipients are determined by program faculty in the Spring quarter. | Faculty nomination-based |
College of Arts & Sciences Awards | All | The College requests student nominations from faculty in the Arts and Humanities each January for fellowship and scholarship awards that are given out the following academic year. | Faculty nomination-based |
Travel Awards | |||
Design Travel Awards | MDes | Students may apply each quarter. | Apply Now |
Graduate Student Conference Presentation Awards | All | These awards assist with travel to major national or international events so students may present papers or posters at conferences, serve as invited speakers, or participate in performances or installations. Award requestsare made to the Graduate School by departments. Students wishing to be considered for a conference presentation award should contact their Graduate Program Adviser. | Learn & Apply |
GPSS Travel Grants Program | All | The GPSS Travel Grants Program contributes funds to qualifying individuals’ travel expenses for active conference participation in the US and abroad. UW (Seattle) graduate and professional students enrolled and in good standing may apply for this travel grant. Active participation (presenting a paper or poster, chairing a session or panel, etc.) at an academic conference is required and proof of acceptance is required with this application. Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.2 to be considered. GPSS Travel Grant allocations are made over six review periods. For more information about deadlines and how to apply | Learn & Apply |