(balancing one’s own weight in a shadow of antithetical sides) by Paul Baughman

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Graduate Travel Funds

Graduate Student Conference Travel Awards

Graduate student travel awards are available through the Graduate School. These awards assist with travel to major national or international events so students may present papers or posters at conferences, serve as invited speakers, or participate in performances or installations. You can read details about this funding on the Graduate School website.

If you wish to be considered for this funding, please provide the following information to the School of Art + Art History + Design Advising office (gradart@uw.edu) two weeks prior to the deadline associated with your month of travel:

  1. Title of the paper, poster, talk or presentation
  2. Title, location, and dates of event
  3. Dates of travel
  4. PDF of letter of invitation from event organizers
  5. Source of any additional funding that you have applied for, or received, in support of your participation in the event

If the School of Art + Art History + Design receives multiple conference travel requests for a deadline, the Director will prioritize them prior to the School’s submission to the college.


Month of Travel

Submission to School

Final Deadline to Graduate School


June 15 – July 15 August 1


July 15 – August 15

September 1


August 15 – September 15

October 1


September 15 – October 15

November 1


 October 15 – November 15

December 1


November 15 – December 15

January 1


December 15 – January 15

February 1


January 15 – February 15

March 1


February 15 – March 15

April 1


March 15 – April 15

May 1


April 15 – May 15

June 1


May 15 – June

July 1

UW GPSS Travel Grants

In an effort to help improve graduate and professional student life at the University of Washington, the GPSS Travel Grants Program contributes funds to qualifying individuals’ travel expenses for active conference participation in the US and abroad.


UW (Seattle) graduate and professional students enrolled and in good standing may apply for this travel grant. Active participation (presenting a paper or poster, chairing a session or panel, etc.) at an academic conference is required and proof of acceptance is required with this application. Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.2 to be considered.

GPSS Travel Grant allocations are made over six review periods. For more information about deadlines and how to apply, click here.

