Professor Katie Bunn-Marcuse and visiting artist Sonny Assu at the Burke Museum, UW Seattle Campus

The Art History minor provides undergraduates with foundational visual literacy skills and a broad knowledge of historically and culturally diverse artistic practices. Students hone critical thinking and writing abilities that complement and enhance study in a wide array of fields, from Computer Science and Engineering to numerous Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences disciplines.


There are no departmental admission requirements for the minor. Any undergraduate student with junior standing or above (90 credits completed) may declare a minor, even a student who has not yet declared a major. See the academic adviser in your major to add an Art History minor.


A total of 30 credits of Art History (ART H) are required to complete a minor.

  • A minimum of 15 credits must be upper-division courses (300-level or above).
  • At least 15 credits must be completed in residence at the University of Washington (non-transfer courses)