Auditorium, Henry Art Gallery
Thursday, 26 September 2013, 6pm
How do you take two-dimensional design into a three-dimensional world? How do you invite your audience into a two-way conversation? And how do you create high impact work with minimal impact on the environment? Visual Communication Design faculty member Kristine Matthews focuses on these questions in her professional design practice, her design research and her teaching at the University of Washington. Kristine’s work explores design for spatial environments: exhibitions, installations, wayfinding systems, campaigns, and public consultation projects. Sustainability underpins her design thinking: her experiments with new materials and new methodologies have led to reduced waste and energy use, while at the same time generating compelling pieces of communication.
Kristine Matthews joined the Division of Design in 2008. Prior to her appointment, she was a founding partner of the thomas.matthews design studio in London for ten years. Kristine currently leads Studio Matthews, an award-winning Seattle design practice focused on sustainability. This lecture is part of the tenure and promotion process, and it accompanies an exhibition of Matthews’ design work at the Jacob Lawrence Gallery from 18 September 2013 through 04 October 2013.
This lecture is free, but reservations are recommended. Unclaimed reservations will be released 5 minutes following the scheduled start time. All unreserved seats are first come, first served.