Shift by Tarran Sklenar and I Love You Are You Okay by Cicelia Ross-Gotta

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2014 4Culture Art Projects Grants

Submitted on June 18, 2014 - 1:00am

At the beginning of June, 4Culture announced the winners of this year’s Art Projects grants. Five of the recipients are alumni:

Jacob Foran (MFA 2010), Residency at European Ceramic Workcentre, $1,500

Dakota Gearhart (MFA 2013), “Don’t Say I Don’t Know Anymore,” $3,500

Serrah Russell (BFA 2009), Islanded, $1,500

Daniel R. Smith (BA/BFA 1994), NO DIRECTION BUT FICTION : Stories of Dream and Design from Iran, $1,500

Brent Watanabe (BFA 1995), Process(ion), $5,500

If we have missed anyone, please let us know by email.

