Bonderman Fellows have to travel. It is a requirement of the award. More than 200 UW students have benefited from the experiences afforded by this unique fellowship since it began in 1995, and among them have been several from the School.

In 2015, we congratulate Matt Bell, who is graduating with a Photomedia BFA degree. His travel objectives on the Bonderman website say:

Matt wishes to use this opportunity to investigate the oldest and most resilient cultures in the world to see what role geography and society play in shaping peoples’ sense of self. He hopes to turn this lens of discovery back onto himself through the continual challenge of overcoming language and cultural barriers and by seeking out esoteric foods and cultural practices. Matt plans to explore places where not even the stars in the night sky will be familiar. While unable to foresee how this experience will shape him, Matt is excited to find what the world has to offer and what he can offer in return as he explores Peru, Chile, Argentina, Japan, China, India, Egypt, Turkey, Greece, and Iceland.

Among graduate students, we have had one Bonderman winner: George Rodriguez (MFA 2009), who received his the year he graduated. There have been other undergraduate winners over the years:

  • Whitney Frank, 2008 Fellow (BA 2010)
  • Grant Mandarino, 2004 Fellow (BA 2004)
  • Tyler Fox, 1999 Fellow (BA 1999)
  • Jesse Locker, 1998 Fellow (BA 2000)
  • Blynne Kensel, 1996 Fellow (BA 1996, MA 2007)

Watch a video from the Student Voice Project that includes an interview with Matt Bell. He provides advice on applying for funding.