My Dear Friend, Time, an installation by Ellen (Jing) Xu

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Randall Receives AIGA Medal

Submitted on April 11, 2017 - 12:55pm
Mark Randall
Mark Randall, AIGA Medalist; photo by Kelly Campbell

Congratulations to Mark Randall (BFA Design 1984), recipient of a 2017 AIGA Medal! This prestigious honor from AIGA, the professional association for design, is being awarded for "his singular dedication to diversity in design, and his tenacity in funding minority and economically disadvantaged design students." Read his profile to learn about his career and impact.

Randall will receive his medal at the 2017 AIGA Awards Gala on April 21 in New York City. The event will be live streamed on the gala webpage between 7:30–8:45pm ET.

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