Possession and Revolt by Caitlyn Wilson

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Artists and Writers, by the Book

Submitted on July 16, 2018 - 5:00pm
Emily Sawan and Krizten Li
Creative writing student Emily Sawan (left) and art student Krizten Li working side-by-side on an artist book. Media credit: Colette Cosner.

On a high shelf in the UW Art Building, there’s a hamburger bun with a story to tell. The bun, crocheted in yarn, serves as the front and back cover of a book created by a team of art and creative writing students. Sandwiched within the bun halves is an illustrated story set in a fast food restaurant.

The book is one of nine final projects created by students in a book arts course offered by the Department of English and the School of Art + Art History + Design.

“I really wanted…

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