Lonely Mountains by Ryna Frankel

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Bellingham National

Submitted on January 28, 2019 - 5:02pm
Artifact by Philip Govedare
Philip Govedare, Artifact, 2017, oil on canvas, 52 x 67"

The Whatcom Museum is showing Bellingham National 2019 Juried Art Exhibition and Awards from February 2 through May 19. This year's theme is Water’s Edge: Landscapes for Today. The juror was art historian and curator Bruce Guenther who has worked at the Seattle Art Museum, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago, the Orange County Museum of Art, and the Portland Art Museum.

Artists from around the country had work selected for the exhibition. Among them are Painting + Drawing Professor Philip Govedare. Also included are three alums: Sharon Birzer (MFA 1995), Emily Gherard (MFA 2004), and Cable Griffith (MFA 2002).


  • February 11, 2019: The three juror awards were announced at the opening of the exhibition. Professor Philip Govedare won the top prize! Read the February 8 museum press release.
  • April 1, 2019: A video produced for The Planet magazine features Govedare and two other artists. Watch now.

