Cecilia Zhao, Sarah Strickler, Claire Kantner, Sara Tieu, and Ian Yu at Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum

During autumn 2018, Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, in New York City issued a challenge to design students: "How might automation change the mobility of people, goods, and services?" Ian Yu, a junior-level student in our Interaction Design major, decided to accept the challenge and gathered together several classmates for collaboration: Claire Kantner, Sarah Strickler, Sara Tieu, and Cecilia Zhao. They worked together for two weeks to create a project titled "Supply Chain Alert System: The Future of Predictive Food Safety Measures," which they submitted by the October 21 deadline. They learned less than ten days later that their project was one of five selected.

The student projects were included in an exhibition at the museum: The Road Ahead: Reimagining Mobility, which ran from December 14, 2018, through March 31, 2019. The four other student projects were from Arizona State University, Harvard University, University of Michigan, and Kean University.

All the students were required to attend a gathering at Cooper Hewitt on February 25. Our students each received $500 from the Division of Design to defray costs. They toured the museum in the morning, gave presentations in the afternoon, and attended a lecture on "Designing the Connected City" in the evening. The student presentations were streamed live and are now available on YouTube (advance to approxiamtely 53:06 for the start of our team's presentation).

Congratulations to the team for their initiative and success!