The School distributes scholarships each year, and two of them are particularly important for students just entering the UW. We asked two recipients of these scholarships to write about their first two quarters here.

Angelica Barron

Junior (transfer student) in Art/Interdisciplinary Visual Art; received Crabby Beach Foundation Endowed Scholarship in Art

During my first two quarters at the University of Washington, I gained experiences that are truly valuable to my pursuit of knowledge. I remember taking a sculpture class that was completely different from what I originally expected it to be. That class taught me how to look at my everyday surroundings and appreciate all the beautiful forms around me. It gave me an insight into how my other classmates perceived form from their perspectives. For example, there would be a very broad assignment with a loose guideline, and when the class came together we all had our own interpretation of the assignment. Each classmate would create something so personal and unique to them and it was an amazing experience to be a part of it all.

Of course, none of this would have been possible if I never received the Crabby Beach scholarship. This scholarship has relieved a huge weight off of my shoulders and has allowed me to really soak in being a college student and not worry so much about financial problems. I am very grateful to be attending such a prestigious university and be able to follow my path to the future.

Speaking of the future, I intend to have some type of career in animation and, even though it is not a guarantee that I will get a job in that field, I am very fulfilled in learning about art. In my first quarter, I took a Chinese art history class, and I learned so much about Chinese culture. I always find it enjoyable to learn about new cultures because it is always interesting to know what the other side of the world is accomplishing. It opens up my perspective to learn about other cultures and keeps me mindful of what people value in their lives, which is important in understanding others.

UW is so diverse, and it is great to get to know new people and their stories, even if I only get to know them for a short period of time. If I were never able to attend UW, I would be missing out on what it is like to be a part of a community where we all have the same goal. Everyone is all striving to better themselves and get an education, which creates this atmosphere of harmony and intelligence. Although sometimes it does get pretty intense and everyone is on edge, at least we are on edge together and we all understand each other in our most stressful times. I wouldn't trade these experiences for anything in the world, and I am truly grateful to continue to struggle through and enjoy all that the University of Washington has to offer.

Vivian Tran

Freshman preparing for application to Division of Design; received Kathryn Hinckley-Martin Endowed Scholarship

Involvement. Determination. Passion. These are the words that I would use to describe the overall experience and feeling of my first two quarters at the University of Washington. Entering college as an out-of-state student was a stressful ordeal. I had a myriad of worries, from making friends to balancing my time and schoolwork.

Involvement. I made sure to get involved in a cultural organization to find community. I joined the Vietnamese Student Association where I was able to build close friendships with students that had similar backgrounds as me. I also joined a design club, Design for America, because I wanted to be a part of something that I was passionate about. In the organization, I learn from my teammates and club members more about the process of design, while using my design knowledge and skills to create something that will benefit society. Being part of a design team has been one of the most rewarding and fun experiences. My passion for design has grown and, overall, has made me a better designer.

Determination. I was determined to manage my time for success. I kept an organized schedule and set a workout routine, creating a balance where I did not become stressed out about having to catch up with school work or from feeling left out of social events. I was able to make time every week to attend tutoring sessions or office hours to get feedback on my assignments and to keep up with my grades, while building a good connection with my professors. Throughout the quarters and especially finals week, working out kept my mind alert and fresh, giving me a sense of overall well-being.

Passion. I let my passion for design and my interests in earth sciences guide me in choosing my classes for each quarter. The first two quarters, I took art classes (ART 101 & ART 190), design classes (DESIGN 150 & DESIGN 166), and earth and science classes (ESS 101 & ASTR 101). The earth and science courses taught me things that I did not know about our planet and how important sustainability is. In the art and design courses, I developed and strengthened drawing and design skills that will help me in my future of design. Each of my classes consisted of assignments that involved creative thinking and/or working in groups. I was able to work with different teams of people in different situations and subjects such as: lab, critique, project groups. The class I enjoyed and learned the most in, DESIGN 166, pushed me out of my comfort zone and made me even more passionate about the major. I was able to accomplish more in my designs and learned not only important design skills but also life skills.

In retrospect, my “entering college” worries were unfounded. Being a recipient of the Hinckley-Martin Scholarship was a huge confidence booster. Thanks to the scholarship, I started my college journey feeling proud and with the sense that I could accomplish so much. I quickly made good friends, and by the time the second quarter ended, I felt at home in Seattle. I am also proud to say that I made the Dean’s List! A very big thank you to the contributors to the scholarship. I am very honored to have received it and am now more than ever, focused on my path to becoming a designer. I am excited about what’s to come and my future as a creative.

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