Still from the video prototype of PaintAR by Julian Brody, Erfan Dastournejad, Sooji Kim, Andrew Madrick, Eason Yang, and Zerong Yang


In a ten-week project during winter quarter 2021, students in Professor Axel Roesler’s DESIGN 483/582 (Advanced Projects in Interaction Design) explored the future of digital health, sponsored by Eli Lilly and Company Design Labs.

Thirty-seven seniors from Interaction Design and Industrial Design along with graduate students from the Master of Design program and MHCI+D explored three areas of intersection that are core to the future of health care and wellness: equitable design, digital health and wellness, and ubiquitous computing. As a result, these future healthcare experiences include the integration of consumer-grade biometric diagnosis, wearable devices, smart environments, artificial intelligence, and AR/VR experiences.

Lilly also sponsored two participatory, remote workshops on the topic of designing for inclusion as part of its overall commitment to equitable design education and practices. These workshops were led by Surya Vanka, from Authentic Design, at the beginning of the class.

The goal of the final projects was to envision and prototype forward-thinking approaches for healthcare, pharmaceutical products, and health and wellness services. The various approaches explored in the class center on people, their quality of life, and treatment experiences that are accessible, inclusive, and equitable.

The growth of wearable devices and biometric tracking, as well as new forms of distributing healthcare remotely with data aggregation, have opened up new avenues for customer participation in the form of self-tracking, systematic and active engagement in healthier lifestyles, and the ability for long-term tracking of health conditions. This has created more awareness, insight, and individual involvement in health and wellness, and it provides a consumer pivot from treatment to prevention to continuous and long-term integration of healthcare monitoring and delivery into all aspects of their daily lives. This new facet of healthcare products and services encompasses a digital health platform comprised of physical devices and connected services that will create personalized healthcare experiences.

Roesler and his students set out to design these new digital health experiences with an inclusive, people-, and value-sensitive approach, focusing on positive health outcomes and tangible results that will create a positive impact in the lives of future patients — and their physical well-being.

During the quarter, six teams of students developed compelling projects in a remote learning environment with weekly class meetings, team work sessions, and bi-weekly presentations with designers at Eli Lilly conducted entirely through Zoom. The project names below link to videos of the final student presentations.

Final Projects


Verli Chen, Jasmine Hsueh, Jena McWhirter, Michael Owyang, Sabrina Zhu, Ciana Yi

An Augmented Reality-based memory capture and curation system that supports people living with Alzheimer's and dementia to collect fleeting personal memories. Contextualization with people, objects, and living environments evoke the playback of precious moments in a multi-generational collection of memories that matter.


Adam Ahmed, Chris Hong, Jasper Kim, Ashmeet Saggu, Sandra Yeo

A wearable and mobile device-based tracking system that aids people dealing with chronic pain to manage their action, medications, and consultations with doctors, DocuPain uses technology that is presently available.


Mike Dong, Nathan Keyes, Alara Hakki, Laura Munoz, Rebecca Rhee, Stephanie Waldrop, Fontayne Wong

An augmented reality headset / mobile device-based digital health experience that helps people who experience chronic pain to visualize and communicate their pain with their support network and doctors.


Julia Chao, Wendy Gui, Lily Liu, Sasha Noerdin, Jaymee Tang, Clara Too

A wearable device, proximity-based environmental alert and notification systems that creates safety boundaries and reminders to assist people who experience onset to moderate Alzheimer's symptoms and their caregivers while aging at home.


Kit Chen, Dimitri Fonti, Devansh Gandhi, Melissa Nunez, Alvin Tran, Annie Xu

A pain tracking system that utilizes a combination of novel body-worn sensing patches and manual self-tracking to record the relationship between physical pain and psychological factors that affect well-being.


Julian Body, Erfan Dastournejad, Sooji Kim, Andrew Madrick, Eason Yang, Zerong Yang

A headset based augmented reality experience that facilitates pain visualization through direct hand gestures on affected areas on the body as a platform for communication with care-givers, empathy-building with support networks, and communication with doctors.