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Core77 Awards 2024

Submitted on June 21, 2024 - 3:34am

Two student design projects recognized with Core77 Awards 2024

Polyphonic & Ecoverse

Award: Speculative Design Award – Student Notable:
Honoree: Claire Weizenegger (MDes 2023)
Team: Wyatt Olson (MDes, 2024), thesis co-chairs Professors Audrey Desjardins and Dr. James Pierce.

Description: Part of Claire Weizenegger's thesis project, Polyphonic & Ecoverse critically examines the prevailing issue of sexism in domestic Voice Assistants.  Polyphonic is a voice interface that envisions a future about how everyday life with a conversation agent could look like that has multiple identities, characters, and ideologies pushing against the current persona, which is submissive and capitalist (e.g., Alexa). On the other hand, Ecoverse is designed as a social actor that prompts mindfulness, philosophical insights, and a wise and guiding presence. It's conscious of its impact on the environment while promoting mindful interactions that encourage users to be present and attentive at the moment.  Learn more about the project.

Hidden Kitchen

Award: Consumer Technology Award — Student Notable
Honoree: Cobi Stancik (BDes 2024, Interaction Design)
Team: Cameron Lee (BDes 2024, Visual Communication Design), Christopher Pile, and Michael Reese (BDes 2024, Interaction Design), Dr. James Pierce, and Dr. Cayla Key

Description: Hidden Kitchen is an app that uses your grocery buying history to suggest recipes using the ingredients that you already have in your home. The project has been recognized by The National Student Show and Core77; it also received an Indigo Design Award and a UXD Design Award.  Learn more about the project.

