Director Notes from Annabelle Gould
This summer I stepped into the role of Director for the School of Art + Art History + Design. After more than 20 years of teaching Visual Communication Design on the second floor, I shifted offices to the first. My previous “home” faced Stevens Way where the noises were minimal, save the delightful rustle of the oak tree next to the window, the less enjoyable engines revving, and the oddly regular ringing of incoming calls from the pay phone turned art project below. (Years ago I managed to answer one of those calls — it was for a dining hall elsewhere on campus.)
The Director's office faces the quad so I now have a front-row seat to the sounds of a busy campus: the cheering/screaming of sorority rush, snippets of conversations as students head to and from class, the murmur of groups in the quad hoping to catch a little Vitamin D before the fall rain arrives, and the infrequent megaphone signifying a larger gathering. I can’t say all these sounds have made me more productive but they do serve as a daily reminder of why we are here. UW is back in session and 2100+ students are coming through the School of Art + Art History + Design, ready to learn and contribute to the life of the School. For many of these students, our classes are a creative oasis for learning and stretching their thinking and making skills.
A lot is happening in the School right now. We are thrilled to welcome Natalia Arbelaez, Assistant Professor in Ceramics to the 3D4M program. Thanks to a special gift from Ray Graham, the Division of Art is busy planning workshops, lectures, and trips to benefit their MFA and undergraduate majors. We are running three tenure track faculty searches in Art History, Photo/Media, and Painting + Drawing + Printmaking.
We also take time to remember the truly extraordinary Anne Traver, our longtime friend, supporter, and alum of the Division of Design, who passed away last month. A celebration of her wonderful life will take place today, Thursday, October 17 at the Seattle Asian Art Museum.
I am grateful to Art History Professor Stuart Lingo for serving as Associate Director this year. His role is focused on alumni relations and (re) connecting with friends and supporters of the School. We hope to catch up with many of you at one of our upcoming events throughout the year. While there is much work to be done, we are energized and ready for the year ahead.
Annabelle Gould
Director of the School of Art + Art History + Design
Professor, Visual Communication Design
Wyckoff Milliman Endowed Chair in Art
Featured Stories
Student Voices Stories

Meet the 2024-25 Incoming Graduate Students
We, at the School of Art + Art History + Design, are excited to introduce the 2024-2025 incoming graduate students! Fifteen students have join us this fall to begin their graduate studies in one of our programs: Master of Fine Arts (MFA), Master of Art in Art History (MA), Art History Doctorate (PhD), or Master of Design (MDes).

Design in Taiwan
In early fall, 17 students from the University of Washington traveled to Taiwan on a 21-day study abroad program to learn about sustainable innovation, globalization in local contexts, and design with technology and craft.
Art History News + Awards 2024-2025
A compilation of recent news and awards in the Division of Art History. This post will be updated as we learn about news and awards.
Alumni Stories

Michael Hong: Oi-ee Moo-chim
3D4M alum Michael Hong (MFA 2024)’s debut solo exhibition Oi-ee Moo-chim opens on Thursday, October 3, 6-9pm at 4Culture. The exhibition is on view through October 31, 2024. Learn about the exhibition on 4Culture's website.

2024 BDes Grad wins Award
One of our recent Industrial Design graduates, Cole Young (BDes 24) is the recipient of the Industrial Designers Society of America prestigious Student Merit Award (SMA) for the Western District. There are only five undergraduate winners selected in the country each year and our very own Cole Young is one of these winners. Congratulations Cole!
About Cole Young
Other News
The School is hiring a tenure-track Assistant Professor for 2025 in the following three disciplines: Painting + Drawing + Printmaking, Photo/Media + New Genres, and Art History of South Asia.
VCD Professor and Chair Kristine Matthews (Studio Matthews) won SEGD (Society of Experiential Graphic Design) Global Design Awards for her project Give Me A Sign at the Cooper Hewitt and her sustainably designed promotion exhibition What Do You Make of This? in the Jacob Lawrence Gallery last fall. View the projects on the Studio Matthews website.
IVA Teaching Professor Timea Tihanyi’s work was in the group exhibition Invitation au Voyage at A.I.R. Vallauris, France. This article on Cultbytes talks about Tihanyi’s current work and artist residency, which was supported by the Dean's Kreielscheimer-Jones Award.
Photo/Media + New Genres Professor Rebecca Cummins was one of the artists featured in the 2024 SPAM New Media Festival. The second iteration of SPAM was hosted at Georgetown Steam Plant on September 27–29, 2024.
An interactive data story on Seattle’s parking tickets written and designed by VCD Professor Karen Cheng and design students, Park at your own risk was published by Data Viz Society. Collaborators include design students and graduates Lindsay Franznick, Jackson Jiang, Wyatt Olson, Raziah Ahmed, Ian Yu, Eli Kahn, and Maya Flood.
Eason Yang (MDes 2022), a designer and social innovator who is creating ways for cancer survivors to overcome bias and get back to work was recently featured on UW Magazine.
Art History PhD student Nikoloz Nadirashvili was published on the French publication Ritmo: Le Portugal de Salazar et la Géorgie néo-soviétique, des âmes sœurs [Kindred Spirits: Salazar's Portugal and neo-Soviet Georgia] in March. Nadirashvili will present his paper "Cleansing of the Temple: Art, Faith, and Politics in Contemporary Georgia" at the 2024 ASEEES Convention in Boston, MA in November 2024.
Ceramics alum Laura Brodax's (BFA 1976) new Redmond mural is featured on UW Magazine.
Leo Carmona, Media Relations Specialist,