Feb 2011 - Director's Notes
No doubt you have heard about the significant funding cuts facing higher education in Washington State. We do not yet know the specifics of how this will affect the University of Washington and the School of Art, but we do know the outcome will be the greatest budget cut the University has ever experienced. ...We will have to do more with less, meaning we will have to increase the size of our classes without additional TAs and faculty, and we will have to embrace and focus on the best of what we have to offer.

From UW to the Getty
Mary Louise Hart (MA 1983) has been passionate about ancient Greek art since taking her first course on the subject. After earning her PhD and securing a tenured faculty position, she was invited to join the Getty Museum as a curator, with responsibilities that have included developing a program for the Getty Villa's new outdoor theater. While Hart had in-depth knowledge of ancient Greek art and a PhD minor in classical Greek language, performance of ancient theater had been a peripheral interest for her. Now she had to learn everything she could about the subject

700 Million Miles an Hour (Science Inspires Art)
Rebecca Cummins, associate professor in the PhotoMedia Program, has long been fascinated with optics and the history of science and technology. Her installations have included a machine for making rainbows and various sculptural and photographic approaches to marking time. An artwork by Cummins can now be seen in Forecast: Communicating Weather and Climate (Washington State Convention Center), and she's teaching "Black Holes, Grey Matter and White Cubes: Visualizing Science," a course that includes visits to the UW's Kirsten Wind Tunnel and Center for Environmental Visualization.

The Influence of an Artful Life
Creative, kind, dripping with talent, fabulous hostess, wonderful capacity for friendship, exceptionally vivacious. That's how friends describe Julie Martin (BA 1974). After Martin's untimely death in 2005, friends established the Julaine Martin Endowed Scholarship in the Arts in her honor. The initial scholarships were awarded in 2010 to one graduate student from each of the School of Art's three divisions—Art, Art History, and Design—with recipients meeting Martin's husband and friends at a luncheon in the Jacob Lawrence Gallery last quarter.