Former Artist in Residence, Design
Fields of Interest
Jayme Yen is a designer and design teacher interested in how the display of information is shaped, accessed, and understood. Jayme currently practices design in Seattle where she works on projects for the arts and culture sector. A graduate of the Yale School of Art GDMFA program, she went on to work as a design fellow at the Walker Art Center and afterwards as a participant in the design division at the Jan van Eyck Academie in the Netherlands. She was a creative director at Schema Design, an information design studio; head designer of the Henry Art Gallery; and design director at On the Boards. She has worked on or participated in design exhibitions in The Netherlands, New Zealand, and the Czech Republic. Jayme is a co-organizer of the Seattle Art Book Fair and teaches publication design and information visualization at the University of Washington School of Art + Art History + Design. Since 2020, she has been developing and teaching digital workshops that explore ways to map ‘Zoomspace.’ Her research interests include artists’ books, independent publishing, mapping, and visualizing data. Her teaching focuses on rethinking approaches to publication formats and reading experiences.
Winter 2024
Spring 2023
Winter 2023
Autumn 2022
Spring 2022
Winter 2022