MFA student, 3D4M: ceramics + glass + sculpture
Fields of Interest
Stephanie Alacon is a multi-disciplinary artist from San Diego, CA. Using unfired clay, ceramics, and glass, her work gravitates towards concepts of duality and metamorphosis. Stephanie’s observations on the role of women in societal and cultural contexts fuels her commentary in expressive abstract forms. Amorphous ceramic ""bodies"", with odd bulbous extrusions loosely references the carnal, landscape, and the ""self"". These forms are often accentuated with curvy contours that capture a sense movement, or gestation; an object or thing frozen in the middle of becoming.
As a graduate student of the University of Washington's 3D4M, Stephanie is keen to dig deep, exploring the connections and slippage that takes place between craft, and contemporary art, and uncovering the canon of engendered roles associated with making.