Arely and Guadalupe by Arely Morales

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Art + Art History in Rome

rome study abroad
(Photo: Curt Labitzke)
Next offered: 

Art + Art History in Rome: Materials, Making, Meaning

Study Abroad Winter Quarter 2020

Do you want to immerse yourself in art and art history in the amazing city of Rome for an entire quarter AND earn credits?

The Divisions of Art and Art History are offering a remarkable Rome study abroad experience in Winter Quarter 2020.

Art + Art History in Rome: Materials, Making, Meaning will explore how artists from the Renaissance to the contemporary world use materials and the creative process to make meaning out of matter. This program will interest students in art, art history and design as well as majors from across the University of Washington - no prior experience with art or art history is needed.

Application Deadline

May 15, 2019


Professor Ellen Garvens (Photo/Media), Professor Curt Labitzke  (IVA)
Professor Estelle Lingo (Art History), Professor Stuart Lingo (Art History)

Art History
Program Type: 
Quarter-long Programs
Program Status: 

