Shiva as Lord of Dance (Nataraja), Indian (Tamil Nadu)

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Honors in Art History

Villa Farnesina Rome Italy
Villa Farnesina, Rome. Photo by Erin Giffin.

Art History majors who wish to forge close ties with faculty mentors, distinguish themselves in the field, and advance knowledge in an area of interest can earn the distinction of Honors in Art History.


To be eligible to apply for the Art History Honors program, you must:

  • Be an Art History senior or junior with more than 120 UW credits
  • Have a minimum cumulative UW GPA of 3.3 and a minimum Art History GPA of 3.5
  • Completed at least 35 Art H credits (including completion of or current enrollment in a 400-level course)

Program Requirements

Art History Honors students complete the following additional requirements intended to prepare them for success in their chosen academic and professional career paths: 

  • Maintain a minimum cumulative UW GPA of 3.3, and a minimum Art History GPA of 3.5
  • Successfully complete Art History 500, Methods of Art History (5 cr), offered annually
  • Successfully complete an additional 500-level Art History graduate-level seminar
  • Identify a faculty member who is willing to serve as your Art History Honors Thesis Advisor, and who will supervise your revision of a major research paper written in a 400 or 500 level Art History class. The Honors Thesis should serve as a writing sample for application to graduate schools, major national and international internships, or jobs in professional fields in the arts. The revision of the research paper is completed while enrolled in ART H 499 for 2 credits.

Application Process

Students who meet the eligibility requirements may apply in Autumn. Application information is distributed to Art History majors via email at the beginning of the quarter.

The application for the Art History Honors program is open, submit the application form by October 31, 2024, 4:30 pm PST. Note: You'll be required to log in to Google with your UW NetID. 

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