Perspective drawing by student

COVID-19 Updates

Last updated on August 23, 2023

For the latest information visit COVID-19 Prevention & Response from the University's Environmental Health & Safety Department (EH&S)

COVID-19 Health and Safety

Follow the COVID-19 Public Health Flowchart if you have COVID-19 symptoms, exposure or test positive.

Please refer to the University’s COVID-19 Guidelines Summary and COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan for the most current COVID-19 prevention policies and guidance.

Mask Policy

Face coverings are optional in most indoor locations with some exceptions. Please refer to the University's COVID-19 Face Covering Policy, log of changes, and the frequently asked questions for more information. 

When you wear a mask, choose a well-fitted, high-quality mask (e.g., KN95, N95,  surgical mask) to reduce the potential for transmission. High-quality masks are available at no cost in several locations on each campus.  

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Information related to the impact of COVID-19 on teaching and learning in the School is collected here: