Health and Wellness

Notify the UW if you have a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 or 206-616-3344

Husky Coronavirus Testing

Husky Health & Well-Being provides a central online resource for access to health and wellness services across the campus. Services include:

Forefront Suicide Prevention is focused on reducing suicide by empowering individuals and communities to take sustainable action, championing systemic change, and restoring hope (206-543-1016).

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SafeCampus is here for you 24/7 if you ever need to privately discuss safety and well-being concerns for yourself or others (206-685-SAFE [7233]).

Register for the online UW Violence Prevention and Response Training.

Subscribe to UW Alert for emergency communications.

For concerns related to sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, or compliance with Title IX, contact the Office of the Title IX Coordinator.

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UW Food Pantry for any Hungry Husky. Be sure to fill out an online order form before your visit. If you are interested in volunteering or donating food, contact

Local food banks

UW Student Financial Aid

UW Emergency Financial Aid. The Emergency Aid Request Form will be available on September 30th.

The Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards is hosting a series of sessions for students this fall aimed at improving access to fellowships and scholarships.

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Coronavirus Back to School Checklist

Become a successful online learner - visit UW Academic Support Programs for academic coaching

Use the UW free tutoring program

Visit the UW CELE Center - a portal to Community-Engaged Courses, CELE Fellowships, Dream Project, Husky Leadership Initiative, Jumpstart, Othello-UW Commons, Riverways Education Partnerships (formerly Pipeline Project) and Undergraduate Community Based Internships (UCBI).

While UW Libraries buildings are closed until further notice, libraries staff are available 24/7 to help students find resources, assist with research and answer questions.

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