Shift by Tarran Sklenar and I Love You Are You Okay by Cicelia Ross-Gotta

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Conference – New Geographies of Feminist Art

Submitted on November 8, 2012 - 12:00am
New Geographies of Feminist Art logo

November 15 – 17, 2012
Auditorium, Henry Art Gallery

Art History Assistant Professor Sonal Khullar is co-organizer of an international conference titled “New Geographies of Feminist Art: China, Asia + the World.” The program begins with a Thursday evening Keynote Address/Katz Lecture. Presentations begin on Friday afternoon and continue all day on Saturday. Over twenty-five scholars, artists, and curators are involved. Attendance  is free and open to the public, but the organizers are requesting that people register online.

People Involved: 

