Several of the Art History graduate students have been or will be traveling for research, internships, special seminars, and presenting papers. Take a look at what they’re doing:

Lane Eagles (PhD student) presented a paper titled “‘So well wrought:’ Redefining Florentine Portrait Effigies” at the 57th Pacific Northwest Renaissance Society Conference in Olympia, WA, during October 2013.

Erin Giffin (PhD candidate) has been awarded the Samuel H. Kress Foundation Short-Term Graduate Fellowship, which will fund 2.5 months of pre-dissertation research in the Medici Archives within the Florentine Archivio di Stato. She will be there during Spring Quarter 2014, and she will study Francesco da Sangallo’s Saint Anne sculpture group (1522-1526), still in its original position in the oratory of Orsanmichele in Florence. Giffin wants to learn more about the Medici commission itself and the purpose of the sculpture within the space.

Melissa Gill (MA student) is currently participating in a Getty Foundation Graduate Internship. She is working with the Getty Vocabularies program at the Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, CA. This is a full-time, paid internship that started in September 2013 and will end in May 2014.

Jennifer Henneman (PhD candidate) spent Autumn Quarter 2013 conducting research as the Davidson Family Research Fellow in the collections and library at the Amon Carter Museum of American Art in Fort Worth, TX. Her project, which she hopes to turn into a publishable article, focused on the early iconic cowgirl figure (1860-1880) and its relationship to post-Civil War ideals of female adolescence and the settling of the Western frontier.

Lauren Palmor (PhD student) traveled to London during the break between Autumn and Winter Quarters to conduct research in a number of collections. An essay she wrote was published in Franz Von Stuck, which accompanied an exhibition at the Frye Art Museum. She will present a paper on senescence in Victorian art at the 2014 conference of the American Comparative Literature Association, which takes place at New York University. Palmor and Lucienne Auz (PhD Candidate) were selected to participate in the June 2013 Summer Institute in Technical Art History hosted by the Conservation Center of the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. The two-week, intensive seminar was titled “Theoretical Subjectivities and The Critical Eye,” and it focused on the conservation of post-WWII art.

Julia Stimac (PhD student) will head to St. Louis, MO, in early April 2014 for the Midwest Art History Society’s annual conference. There she will present a paper titled “Canadian Impressionism and National Identity: Impressions of the Dominion at Home and Abroad,” which addresses how Canadian Impressionism was critical to artistic negotiations of national identity. Stimac participated in the Yale Center for British Art biennial Graduate Student Summer Seminar in June 2013. The theme for the seminar was “Coloring Color: The history, science and materiality of paint.”

Amanda Waterman (PhD candidate) will be giving a paper at the University of Nevada, Reno, College of Liberal Arts Graduate Student Symposium in late February 2014. Her presentation is titled “Parliamentary Murals of The East Corridor (1910): Constructing a British Identity in the Edwardian Era,” and it is similar in subject to a chapter she is currently writing for her dissertation.