Room 130, Kane Hall

Thursday, 12 June 2014, 7-9pm
tickets required; see below

All UW Art, Art History, and Design students graduating in Autumn 2013, Winter 2014, Spring 2014 and Summer 2014 are invited to attend the 2014 School of Art Graduation Celebration.

SoA Graduation Celebration information is mailed and emailed to graduating students in mid-April. Students must register before May 30th in order to receive up to four tickets – one for the graduating student and three for family and/or friends (tickets are required for both students and guests.) Register here.

The festivities will include a procession of graduating students; presentation of awards; keynote speaker; and the presentation of certificates to students from School of Art faculty. Wearing of traditional cap and gown is encouraged – you can order cap and gown from between May 7-25, 2014.

Tickets to the SoA Graduation Celebration are limited because Kane Hall has a maximum occupancy limit strictly enforced by the fire marshall. We cannot guarantee that additional tickets will become available, but if they do we will distribute them to those who sign up on the ticket waitlist.

If you would like to invite a large group of  friends and family, please consider attending the UW Commencement Ceremonies at Husky Stadium on June 14th. The Commencement Office tries to ensure that students are able to invite as many family and friends as they wish. More information is available from the Commencement website.

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