Gifts from our generous donors—individuals, foundations, and organizations—make a huge impact in the life of our School. Thank you.

Gifts $100,000 and above
Crabby Beach Foundation
Jody + David Smith

Gifts $25,000 to $99,000
Drew Hamlin
Intel Corporation
Steve Kaneko/Microsoft
Linda LeResche + Michael Von Korff
Seattle Art Museum

Gifts 10,000 to $24,999
Alison + Glen Milliman
The New Foundation Seattle

Gifts $5,000 to $9,999
John + Shari Behnke
Mary Childs + James Walker
Shaun Hubbard + Harold Kawaguchi
Ruth + William Ingham
Alice + George McCain
Keith + Mary Kay McCaw Family Foundation
Wendy + Murray Raskind

Gifts $1,000 to $4,999
Max Davis
First Giving
Google Inc.
Jo Ann + Theodore Jonson
Jonathan Knight + Linda Quan
Leslie Lassu
Jacob + Gwendolyn Knight Lawrence*
Thomas Lee + Janet Thompson
George Martin
Beatrice Nowogroski*
Christopher + Susan Ozubko
Herbert + Lucy Pruzan
Joyce Scoll
Anne Traver + Henry Aronson
M. Patricia Warashina
Kathie Werner
Richard Wesley + Virginia Sly

Gifts $500 to $999
Michalina Banel
Marian Childs
Gini + Thomas Clayton
Steven Cohn + Carol McCready-Cohn
Dondi Cupp + David Roberts
Louann + James DeClaire
Nancy Dorn
Leslie Ferguson
Alden Kroll
Alida + Christopher Latham
William + Charlene O’Donnell
Richard Stanton Jr.

Gifts $250 to $499
Anne + Allen Ashby
Robert + Mary Casey
Chevron Corporation
Gini and Thomas Clayton
Joan DeClaire + Mark Malone
Shirley Familian
Melvin + Nanette Freeman
Sharon Frucci + Max Auguste
Anna Kartsonis
Microsoft Corporation
Robert + Karen Milnes
Mary Ray
State of Washington Combined Fund Drive
Betty Lou Treiger
Carroll + Charles Twiss
Deborah Weasea

Gifts $100 to $249
Margaret + John Albin
The Boeing Company
Marjorie Boetter
Rise + Mark Briggs
Michele Broderick + Thomas Whittemore
Anne + Steven Caffery
Julie Castner
Judith + John Clark
Jennifer Davis
Carolina de Mello e Souza
Ann Dittmar
John Dowell Jr.
Gretchen Enders
Michael Fretto
Marsha Green
Jay + Deborah Hermsmeier
Jackie + Oscar Hunsaker
Debbie Kuan
Sergei Larionov
Jay Linwick
Diana + Kim Lorch
Susan Mark
Meg McSorley
Pipena Mercouriadis
Kent Mettler + Tricia Tiano
Bruce Meyers + Carol Yusem-Meyers
Arno Motulsky
Peter + Terry Osborne
Vernon + Crystle Patrick
George Poe
Carol + Daniel Powers
Michael + Suzanne Ritus
Gerri + Martin Rowen
Mahnaz Sherzoi + George Schoonover III
Suzanne + Lars Skugstad
Cynthia Softy
Monica Tackett
Stephen Taplin
Renata Tatman + Pablo Schugurensky
Henry + L. Joyce Turner
Velveteen Rabbet
Jerry Watt + Vreni Arx
Alison + Thomas Weinberg
Amy Whaley
Ei Yamamoto
Rita Zurcher

Gifts under $99
Esther + Manie Akrish
Jean Alexander
Deborah Anderson + Michael McPhail
Dianne Anderson
Lisa Askew
Jessica Balsam + Joseph Miller
Sylvia + E. L. Baltin
Joyce Banaka
David Bark
Catherine Bath
Kay Begin
Kenneth + Terry Benshoof
Crystal + Devin Blanchard
Janis Blauer-Chima + Michael Chima
Linda Bonica
Mildred + Frederick Brandauer
Juanita + George Brautlacht
Frank Bryan + Katharine Noll
Pamela Buesing
Edwyn + Mary Buzard III
Gordon Callon
Clare + Thomas Cavanaugh
Victor Chacon + Jo Goubeaux-Chacon
Crystal Chen
Ting-Wei Chiu
Norma Clark
Louisa Clayton
Lindsay Davis
Diane Davis
Signe Davis Heggem + John Davis
James Donnen
Carol + Roy Draggoo
Harlan + Barbara Dunn
Jeffry Lynn + Frank Dunne
Ronald Finlay
Dale Flynn + Jeanette Mills
Martha Fulton + George Lastomirsky
Sheree Galpert
Imogene Gieling
Michael Graves
Roger + Lynn Habbestad
Karen Hara
Mary Harden
Margarite Hargrave + Richard Carlstad
Mark + Paige Hasson
Michael Heath + Gretchen Daiber
Mary Henzie
Laurie + Steve Hettinga
Ann Hjelle
Jacqueline Hoekstra
Carol + Roy Howell
Lonnie + Lynn Hughes
Mileva Huljev
Robert + Eileen Iguchi
Dorica Jackson
Juanita Janick
Laurie Jensen
Roger + Grace Jones
Etsuko Kawaguchi
Diane + Paul Keck
Sarah Kelly
J. Robert + Judith Kimmerer
David + Silvia Kinney
Katheryn + Chapin Krafft
Jungmin Lee
Elinor Lindquist + Dave Salzer
Weishung Liu
Kevin + Michelle Lustgarten
Cassiana Magill
Robert Magruder Jr.
Teresa Martinez
John + Naomi Mason
Kathleen + James Matson
Robert + Roella McCoy
Fred McCulloch + Mary Gey-McCulloch
Richard McGuire
Deborah Mercy
Dale + Leslee Miller
Daniel + Kathryn Mortensen
Robert Mortenson
Jillian Moses
Michael Nomura
Susan + Mario Oblak
Lisa Olund
Caroline Orr
Daniel Ostrowski
Cecelia + Louis Otto
Robert Peters
William + Sally Pfeifer
Virgil + Patricia Prindle
Paula Richards
Brittney Roach Cline
April Roberts
Richard + Carolle Rose
Emily Ruder
Andrew Salituri
The Seattle Foundation
Deborah + John Seger
Beth Sellars
Christina Shih
Patricia + Ronald Siu
Marlene Souriano-Vinikoor + Abram Vinikoor
Alison Stamey + W. C. Twig Mills
Levi Stoll
Karen + Jonathan Sutton
Jens Thomassen
John Thompson Jr.
Richard Townsend
Kay + Frank Tyllia
Julie Van Tosh
Willem + Diane Volkersz
Laura + John Vornbrock
Robert + Joan Weis
Bridget Weis
Margaret West
Paul + Kathryn Whelan
Susan + W. Loren Williams
Barbara Willock
Rufina Wise
Don + Judith Youatt

Gifts In Kind
William Lines

Gifts were received from July 1, 2013, to June 30, 2014. We regret any inadvertent errors, and omissions will be included in the next newsletter.


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