The School of Art + Art History + Design is able to attract outstanding graduate students in all divisions and programs by building competitive financial packages for top graduate student applicants. Quarterly scholarships and fellowships for are funded from the following:

Doris Totten Chase Award
Jane & David Davis Endowed Fellowship in Art
Boyer & Elizabeth Bole Gonzales Scholarship
Jacob & Gwendolyn Lawrence Endowed Art Scholarship
Louis & Katherine Marsh Scholarship in Art
Bruce C. McCready Endowed Memorial Fund
Lloyd W. Nordstrom Art Scholarship
Kenneth L. Striker Scholarship
Olive F. Lockitch Endowed Fund
Ruth E. Penington Endowed Art Scholarship
Blakemore Foundation
UW Graduate School

Below are the awards that were acknowledged at the welcome event for graduate students on the first day of autumn quarter 2015.

Division of Art

Peter Barbor
Doris Totten Chase Top Scholar Award in Art
Elizabeth Fortunato
School of Art + Art History + Design Graduate Recruitment Award
Cicelia Ross-Gotta
School of Art + Art History + Design Graduate Recruitment Award
Kate Holub
School of Art + Art History + Design Graduate Recruitment Award

Painting + Drawing
Selma Arely Morales
School of Art + Art History + Design Graduate Recruitment Award
Erica Ciganek
School of Art + Art History + Design Graduate Recruitment Award
Ryna Frankel
Olive F. Lockitch Graduate Recruitment Award
Ding Jin
School of Art + Art History + Design Graduate Recruitment Award
Tarran Sklenar
Jacob and Gwendolyn Lawrence Top Scholar Award in Art

Gavriella Aguilar
Jane and David Davis Top Scholar Award in Art
Clare Halpine
School of Art + Art History + Design Graduate Recruitment Award
Daniela Mora
School of Art + Art History + Design Graduate Recruitment Award

Division of Art History

Gloria de Liberali
Lloyd W. Nordstrom Top Scholar Award in Art History
Megan Sadler
Blakemore Top Scholar Award in Art History
Krista Schoening
Lloyd W. Nordstrom Top Scholar Award in Art History


Division of Design

Aubree Ball
School of Art + Art History + Design Graduate Recruitment Award
Richelle Dumond
Louis G. Marsh Top Scholar Award in Design
Emma Teal Laukitis
School of Art + Art History + Design Graduate Recruitment Award
Sarah Reitz
School of Art + Art History + Design Graduate Recruitment Award
Tate Strickland
Boyer and Elizabeth Bole Gonzales Top Scholar Award in Design
Scott Tsukamaki
Bruce C. McCready Graduate Recruitment Award