Friday, April 1, 2-5pm

The Division of Design is pleased to announce the third annual Design Career Fair. The fair will offer employers a preview of the 2016 graduating class in Industrial Design, Interaction Design, and Visual Communication Design. Participating firms will be able to host a table promoting their company as well as spend time engaging with students and reviewing their portfolios. Juniors in the Division of Design will also attend. If you wish to meet with our upcoming graduates or hire summer interns, the Design Career Fair is for you!

Last year, 47% of all Division of Design students secured employment prior to graduation, and 61% of all Interaction and Visual Communication Design students were employed in design internships during the summer between their junior and senior years. For an in-depth look at statistics and facts about our alumni, visit the Division of Design statistics microsite.

View recent student work on our graduation shows webpage.

Registration for the 2016 Design Career Fair is now open!
Employers, please register your firm.

More information for employers and students is available at our Design Career Fair webpage.