Arely and Guadalupe by Arely Morales

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Donors: January – December 2016

Submitted on January 10, 2017 - 2:54pm

Gifts from our generous donors — individuals, foundations, and organizations — are critical to the success and morale of the School. We are deeply grateful for their support.

Join them by selecting one of our top funds for your donation.

Gifts $100,000 and above
Crabby Beach Foundation

Gifts $25,000 to $99,999
Mary & Allan Kollar
Keith & Mary Kay McCaw Family Foundation
National Philanthropic Trust
Herb & Lucy Pruzan
William & Ruth True

Gifts $10,000 to $24,999
The Boeing Company
Jenny Durkan & Dana Garvey
William & Ruth Ingham
Alison & Glen Milliman
Edward Young & Candis Litsey

Gifts $5,000 to $9,999
Fluke Corporation
Jerome Levy Foundation
Michael Von Korff & Linda LeResche

Gifts $1,000 to $4,999
Henry M. Aronson & Anne Traver
John & Judi Clark
Joseph Henke & Julie Speidel
Gayle Jack
Theodore & Jo Ann Jonson
Harold Kawaguchi & Shaun Hubbard
Jack & Layne Kleinart
Jonathan Knight and Linda Knight Quan
Alden E. Kroll
Christopher & Alida Latham
Donna Latrell
George & Alice McCain
Dean & Tomilynn McManus
Pipena Mercouriadis
Puget Sound Group of NW Artists
Joyce S. Scoll
Evan Schwab & Carole Fuller
Robert & Robin Stacey
Rick Stanton
Howard "Michael" and Grace Todd*
Patricia Warashina

Gifts $500 to $999
David & Mary Alhadeff
Joan Lenea Mentor Carter
Dondi Cupp & David Roberts
Hilary Lee
Martin & Andrea Lybecker
George M. Martin
George Schoonover & Mahnaz Sherzoi
Betty Lou Treiger
Melanie K. Wang

Gifts $250 to $499
Jeffrey & Lisa Berkman
Clyde L. Crawford III
Claudia Fitch
Anna Kartsonis
Bruce Meyers & Carol Yusem-Meyers
William & Charlene O'Donnell
Koryn Rolstad
David R. Sims
James Walker & Mary Childs

Gifts $100 to $249
Ralph M. Berry & Norie Sato
Robert Blumberg & Barbara Walkover
Lisa C. Bonifant
Mark & Rise Briggs
Pamela L. Buesing
Kathryn Bunn-Marcuse & Andrew Marcuse
Susan Casteras & Eric Schnapper
Karen Cheng
Steven Cohn & Carol McCready-Cohn
Jennifer M. Davis
James W. Donnen
Gretchen Enders
Leslie Rae Ferguson
Christina Fink
Katherine Gold
Mark & Paige Hasson
Richard Heipp
Jackie & Oscar Hunsaker
Aaron Flint Jamison
Ken Kriekenbeck
Debbie Kuan
Risa Lewellyn & Paulette Jacobson
Norman Lundin
Brian E. Lyson
Kent Mettler & Tricia Tiano
Jeanette Mills & Dale Flynn
Terry T. Nakano
Peter & Terry Osborne
Vernon C. Patrick
Christopher Poulain
Roger Shimomura
James & Paige Spee
Monica L. Tackett
Akio & Vicky Takamori
Jeffrey & Trudy Taylor
Richard R. Townsend
Emily Suzanne Voreis
Patrick Walker & Janet Charnley
T. Bud Warashina
Jerry W. Watt & Vreni Von Arx
Thomas Whittemore & Michele Broderick
Marvin Yamaguchi & Dianne Graham
Laura Zeck

Gifts under $100
Jean L. Alexander
Dianne Anderson
Jessica Balsam & Joseph Miller
Sylvia Baltin
Joyce A. Banaka
Catherine C. Bath
Devin & Crystal Blanchard
Frances K. Blumhagen
Linda L. Bonica
Jane Camden
Norma L. Clark
Alexandra N. Colley
Gerrie M. Comer
Rebecca Cummins
Diane C. Davis
John & Signe Davis
Jane M. Geisenhoff
Shaghayegh Ghassemian
Imogene B. Gieling
Michael Warren Graves
Betha L. Gutsche
Roger & Lynn Habbestad
Karen S. Hara
Margarite D. Hargrave
Jessie W. Hedden
Tamara Hilton
Ann Marie Hjelle
Jacqueline L. Hoekstra
Horizon House
Robert & Eileen Iguchi
Yusuke Ito
Roger Lynn Jones & Grace Jones
E. Mary Kawaguchi
Robert & Judith Kimmerer
Christina M. Koehn
Claire L. Kohler
Mascha Kushner
Jeremy Lawrence & Frances Whitt
Reuben & Mimi Levy
Elinor Lindquist & Dave Salzer
Jay M. Linwick
Cassiana Magill
John & Naomi Mason
James & Kathleen Matson
Bruce L. McMath
Dale & Leslee Ann Miller
W. C. Twig Mills & Alison Stamey
Daniel & Kathryn Mortensen
Robert L. Mortenson
David & Iris Nichols
Nicholas & Linda Nyland
Mario & Susan Oblak
MacKenzie & Priscilla Owens
Marcin P. Paczkowski
Mark Palmatier & Lisa Magill-Palmatier
Janelle R. Pritchard
Carli Gail Rasschaert
Phillip Carrizzi Renato & Elizabeth Renato
April Rachell Roberts
Andrew G. Salituri
Krista M. Schoening
John & Deborah Seger
Camille Ann Pinlac Shawley
Christina G. Shih
Jessica Marguerite Speigel
Sheila A. Supplee
Patricia Helen Svoboda
Maureen S. Tiritilli
Kay M. Tyllia
Julie Van Tosh
Willem A. Volkersz
John & Laura Vornbrock
Lillian Walkover
Robert and Joan Weis
Lawrence & Frances Whitt
Marek K. Wieczorek
Susan Clark Williams
Ellen Xu
Don & Judith Youatt


Gifts were received from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016. We regret any inadvertent errors, and omissions will be included in the next newsletter.

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