A student-run Division of Art tradition for over a decade, Strange Coupling bridges the gap between the UW and the greater Seattle art community by pairing students with professional artists for a collaborative project. The work created by these pairings culminates in an event held off-campus at a unique location.

March Events

The kickoff portion of Strange Coupling functions as both an unveiling of the student/artist pairings as well as an auction of applicant, alum, and faculty pieces to raise funds for the project. In the absence of Buy Art this year, Strange Coupling will be your primary opportunity to purchase student work.

Art on view

March 7–10, 10am–5pm
Jacob Lawrence Gallery
A silent auction takes place for the student applicant work on display.

Artist pairing announcement party

March 10, 6–8pm
Jacob Lawrence Gallery
A live auction for work by Strange Coupling alumni and faculty is included.

Participating artists

Ripple Fang (BFA 2014)
Dakota Gearhart (MFA 2013)
Andrew Hoeppner (MFA 2014)
Margie Livingston (MFA 1999)
Natasha Marin
Kelda Martensen
John Radtke
Nicole Ramirez (BFA Design 2011)
David Rue
Amy Simons (BFA 2014)

Participating students

Nadia Ahmed
Daniel Briggs
Richard Desanto
Sarah Faulk
Elizabeth Fortunado
Daniel Glynn
Logan Heine
Shannon Hobbs
Ji Huang
Peter Kohring
Jean Ni
Christian Oldham
Nick Phillips
Yong Ryou


Brian J. Carter
Tim Detweiler
Greg Kucera (BFA 1980)
S. Surface
Emily Zimmerman


Aurora San Miguel, senior in Photomedia
Kalina Chung (BFA 2016)
Ruth Kazmerzak (BFA 2016)
Mikhail Roque (BA 2016)

June Event

The results of this year's Strange Coupling may be seen in a downtown Seattle exhibition.

Art on view

June 3, 6–9pm
Good Arts LLC, 108 Cherry St
The work continues on view through June 5.


Amy Simons + Yongkuk Ryou
Andrew Hoeppner + Jean Ni + Richard Desanto
Dakota Gearhart + Daniel Briggs + Logan Heine
David Rue + Peter Kohring
FEMAIL + Christian Alborz Oldham
Jueqian Fang + Ji Huang
John Radtke + Daniel Glynn + Nick Phillips
Kelda Martensen + Shannon Hobbs
Margie Livingston + Elizabeth Fortunado
Natasha Marin + Sarah Faulk
Nicole Ramirez + Nadia Ahmed