Men Shoveling Chairs by Circle of Rogier van der Weyden

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2019 Undergraduate Research Symposium

Submitted on May 10, 2019 - 4:13pm

Several students from the School are participating in this year’s symposium on Friday, May 17, 2019. Follow the session links below to click on the presentation titles and see project descriptions.

Oral Presentations

Two students are presenting in session 2A — Art's Histories and Futures — which is being moderated by Art History Associate Professor Sonal Khullar. This session runs 3:30–5:15pm in Mary Gates Hall room 171.

Amanda M. Pickler (Mary Gates Scholar + UW Honors Program), Art: "If I Could Turn You Into Stone, I Would."

Alexandra Carter (Sasha) Savenko, Art History: "Approaching Architecture from an Interdisciplinary Perspective: Architecture as Demonstrative Art."

Poster Presentations

Maxim Thomas (Max) Podhaisky, Art + Geology: "Paleo Basemap to Investigate Flooding Patterns and Geomorphic Change from the Bridge of the Gods Flood 550 Years Ago." This is during Poster Session 2 (easel #70), which is in Mary Gate Hall from 1–2:30pm.

Anastasia Katrina (Ania) Filimonov, Art + Anthropology: "Archiving the Past: Methods of Archaeological Data Collection and Curation alongside Native Communities." This is during Poster Session 3 (easel #41), which is in Mary Gates Hall from 2:30–4pm.

Rose Reyes, Art + Psychology: "Evaluating Client-Driven Harm Reduction Goal-Setting among People Experiencing Homelessness and Alcohol Use Disorder." This is during Poster Session 4 (easel #31), which is in Mary Gates Hall from 4–6pm.

Visual Arts & Design Showcase

This session takes place in Odegaard Undergraduate Library from 3–4:30pm.

Kaitlin Mei Huo, Art: "Symbiosis"; mentored by 3D4M Association Professor Amie McNeel.

Jason Liang, Art: "'Power of Uchiha' ('ヘビの目の力') and 'Death to Wayne (Wei)'"; mentored by Painting + Drawing Professor Zhi Lin.

Kyler H Pahang (Mary Gates Scholar + UW Honors Program), Art: "The Art of Cultural Outreach"; mentored by Painting + Drawing Professor Zhi Lin and 3D4M Assistant Professor Michael Swaine.

Sadie Wigen, Art: "False Witness"; mentored by Interdisciplinary Visual Art Associate Professor Curt Labitzke.

