
MONDAY presents experiments in arts writing that invite readers to imagine future forms of criticism. The contributing writers have in common a playful approach to their writing. Their subjects extend beyond fine arts to include performance, style, manifestos — all manner of cultural expression. Published by the Jacob Lawrence Gallery at the University of Washington School of Art + Art History + Design, MONDAY seeks to be both accessible and rigorous, and above all to remind us that our approach to cultural criticism can be as heterogeneous as the themes it addresses.

Volume 4 has the title "White Pictures." It is guest edited by Danny Giles who was the 2019 Jacob Lawrence Legacy Resident. Julia Powers is the managing editor, and Emily Zimmerman is the founding editor.

Table of Contents

  • Danny Giles, Introduction: White Pictures
  • Angeline Morrison, Symphony in White No. 1, Whistler’s 'White Girl' as Desiring Subject
  • Christine Goding, White Event Horizon
  • Nana Adusei-Poku, On Being Present Where You Wish to Disappear
  • Sampada Aranke, Material Matters: Black Radical Aesthetics and the Limits of Visibility
  • Risa Puelo and Tomashi Jackson in Conversation, The Linguistic Overlap of Color Theory and Racism
  • Sharmyn Cruz Rivera, A Polyrhythmic Ensemble: Fugitive Multitudes and Their Ways
  • Gordon Hall, Why I Don't Talk About 'The Body': A Polemic
  • Latham Zearfoss and Ruby T, Survey for White Artists

Online + Purchase

All of the content above is available on the MONDAY website.

Physical copies of this volume are available at the following bookstores: University Book Store, Elliott Bay Book Company, Third Place Books, Bulldog News, Café Presse, and Village Books. It may also be purchased online. The cost is $10 for students and $15 for all others. Proceeds support the next issue of the journal.

Go to Jacob Lawrence Gallery — Journal webpage.