Beginning on September 30, 2020, visitors may again view exhibitions at the Jacob Lawrence Gallery. Below are the steps to follow in order to take advantage of this opportunity during the gallery's normal hours: Tuesdays–Fridays, 10am–5pm, and Saturdays, 1–5pm. We look forward to seeing you!

1. Make your no-contact appointment via Calendly.

2. On the day of your appointment, fill out your health attestation. UW employees and students use Workday. All others use this form.

3. At the scheduled time for your visit, arrive at the loading dock door of the Art Building.

Be sure to wear a mask. A gallery attendant will open the door for you and maintain 6 feet of distance.

4. You will have 30 minutes to view the exhibition. When you are ready to leave, the gallery attendant will escort you to the door and open it for you.