
  • October 27 – November 23, 2022
  • Art Building, rooms 009 + 212
  • Hours: Tuesday–Friday, 10am–5pm
  • Reception: Wednesday, November 2, 5–8pm

The Jacob Lawrence Gallery is pleased to host Seattle artist Miha Sarani. This exhibition, Amends, is a broad survey of Sarani's work, focusing on portraiture while also reflecting his Slovenian heritage.

Amends was arranged with assistance from Michael Biggins. He is an Affiliate Professor in the University of Washington Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures as well as Honorary Consul of the Republic of Slovenia for Washington State. This exhibition coincides with and highlights a fundraising initiative to expand the UW's ongoing campus-wide arts and research-based engagement with Slovenia, which has existed for nearly sixty years. One example is a scholars exchange between the UW and the University of Ljubljana.


Miha Sarani is a visual artist, art historian, and art educator. Born and raised in Ljubljana, Slovenia, he moved permanently to the US in 2007. Returning to school in his late 30s, he earned a BFA in 2015 and an MA in 2019 — both from the University of Washington.

Sarani's work has been shown at museums and galleries, featured in art journals, publications, promotional materials, and on music covers. His large Koncentrik Painting series is owned by the University of Washington and on permanent display at Mary Gates Hall. Sarani works as a Gallery Director and Chief Curator at the Kirkland Arts Center, as well as guest lecturer at Seattle University and University of Washington.

Also passionate about music, Sarani released his first music album Emona Au Revoir in 2016. It was included in Seattle Public Library's PlayBack program the following year. Sarani is a member of the Shift Gallery in Seattle. He lives and works in Seattle with his wife Tomitha, and their dogs Blue and Sister Ray.


As COVID-19 guidelines evolve leading up to this event, we will continue to follow all relevant University policies. People planning on attending are expected to self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms and MUST stay home if symptomatic or if instructed to isolate or quarantine by a public health professional.

We encourage all attending to activate the Washington Exposure Notifications - WA Notify app prior to the event. You may learn more by reading the UW Vaccination Policy and UW Face Covering Policy. The above information is subject to change based on the evolving COVID-19 pandemic and public health guidelines.