Rojava by Ben Dunn

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BA in Art: Painting + Drawing

The BA in Art with a concentration in Painting + Drawing provides the intellectual, creative, and physical environment that best fosters excellence in painting and drawing for students and faculty.

The first step to successful work in painting and drawing is a firm basis in the fundamentals of drawing. From that basis, the program provides a comprehensive education in drawing and painting, which stresses both breadth and depth. An awareness of the breadth of what has been done in the past and what is being done in the present encourages students to relate their own practice to both history and the contemporary context.

Admission to the BA in Art is based on completion of prerequisite courses and GPA.

Information about Honors in Art.

Painting + Drawing concentration

The following classes are recommended for the BA in Art Painting + Drawing concentration:

Introductory Art (20 cr)

ART classes on bold are prerequisites for classes in the Painting + Drawing concentration.

  • ART 101 Narratives in Art & Design
  • ART 140 Basic Photo
  • ART 190 Beg Drawing
  • ART 191 Color Studies
  • ART 233 Intro to Glass
  • ART 240 Interm Photo I
  • ART 245 Concepts Printmaking
  • ART 246 Works on Paper
  • ART 253 Intro to Ceramics
  • ART 260 Intro to Contemporary Art
  • ART 272 Intro to Sculpture
  • ART 290 Figure Drawing
  • ART 292 Beg Painting

Painting + Drawing Concentration (35 cr)

  • ART 390 Interm Drawing (prereq ART 290)
  • ART 392 Interm Painting (prereq ART 290 and ART 292)
  • ART 393 Interm Painting (prereq ART 392)
  • ART 490 Adv Drawing (prereq ART 390)
  • ART 492 Adv Painting (prereq ART 390 and ART 393)
  • ART 494 Senior Studio (prereq ART 393), 10 cr


Completing one 200-level art history writing class in your first year as an Art major is highly recommended. Classes marked * satisfy UW writing requirement. Art History classes also satisfy VLPA and/or I&S and credits outside the major of Art.

  • AH 200 Athena to Lady Gaga: Art in the Modern Imagination
  • AH 201 Survey of Western Art: Ancient
  • AH 203 Survey of Western Art: Modern*
  • AH 204 Art History & Visual Culture*
  • AH 209 Topic: Art Now*
  • AH 212 Chinese Art & Visual Culture*
  • AH 214 Art of India: Mohenjo-Daro to the Mughals*
  • AH 220 American Art
  • AH 233 Survey Native Art of the PNW
  • AH 270 Contemporary Art & Identity
  • AH 272 History of Photography
  • AH 273 Impressionism
  • AH 290 History of Architecture
  • AH 309 Topics in Art History
  • AH 310 Chinese Art & Archaeology: Neolithic to Han Dynasty
  • AH 311 Arts of Imperial China
  • AH 312 Art & Empire in India 1750-1900
  • AH 314 Modern & Contemp Art in India
  • AH 361 Italian Renaissance Art
  • AH 373 Southern Baroque Art
  • AH 380 19th & 20th-Century Art
  • AH 381 Art Since WW II
  • AH 390 American Architecture Though an Ecological Lens
  • AH 391 Paris Architecture

Please note: Courses listed above are not necessarily offered each quarter – check the online quarterly time schedule for current class listings, prerequisites, and/or recommended background.

To graduate with an undergraduate degree from the University of Washington, students must successfully complete at least180 course credits: a combination of major requirements (listed above), UW general education requirements, and electives.

