Deity Humanity Materiality by Ding Jin

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2015-2016 Scholarship Reception

Submitted on December 1, 2015 - 4:22pm

wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ – Intellectual House
Friday, January 8, 2016, 3-5pm

This event is open to all School of Art + Art History + Design undergraduate majors, graduate students, faculty, and staff plus scholarship donors will be invited. Friends and family of scholarship recipients are also welcome.

Please RSVP via this Evite.

Remarks and presentations will be followed by cupcakes and the opportunity to socialize in this beautiful facility near the Art Building.

The School’s scholarship endowments generate over half a millions dollars worth of support each year for undergraduate and graduate students. We are pleased to honor the following undergraduate students at this event whose academic achievements, creative excellence, and outstanding performance in the School and at the University of Washington put them at the top of their class. Graduate student recipients were recognized at a welcome event on the first day of autumn quarter 2015 and in this news post.


The Crabby Beach Foundation Endowed Scholarship in Art
Abby Fredericksen
Miranda Lapke
Katherine Schoen
Cierra Short
Spencer Weglin

The Kathryn Hinckley-Martin Endowed Scholarship
Asia Murray


Division of Art

Shauna Fahley
Patricia and Jack Roberts Endowed Student Support Fund
Kayla Fox
Harold and Sylvia Tacker Award in Ceramics
Charlie Meyer
Kottler Noritake Scholarship
Adelaine Muth
Doris Totten Chase Endowed Scholarship

Interdisciplinary Visual Arts
Yifan Liu
Harold and Sylvia Tacker Award in Fibers
Mik Roque
Patricia and Jack Roberts Endowed Student Support Fund, Milnor Roberts Scholarship

Painting + Drawing
Nathanael Jones
P. Rathvon Family Legacy Scholarship
Marijke Keyser
Jacob and Gwendolyn Lawrence Endowed Art Scholarship
Viviane Poulain
Priscilla and Melvin Wilson Endowed Scholarship
Katharine Spilker
Mary Violet Ferguson Art School Scholarship
Shuo Yin
Mary Violet Ferguson Art School Scholarship

Lenaig Delisle
Priscilla and Melvin Wilson Endowed Scholarship
Natalie Grammer
Julaine Martin Endowed Scholarship in the Arts
Tonya Hewitt
P. Rathvon Family Legacy Scholarship
Daniel Hoang
Mary Violet Ferguson Art School Scholarship
Ruth Kazmerzak
Priscilla and Melvin Wilson Endowed Scholarship
Summer Polonsky
Harold and Sylvia Tacker Award in Photography
Jessica Taylor
Louis and Katherine Marsh Scholarship in Art

Division of Art History

Matthew Catallo
Julaine Martin Endowed Scholarship in the Arts
Deker Daily
Milnora Roberts Scholarship
Scarlett Strauss
Lloyd W. Nordstrom Art Scholarship

Division of Design

Industrial Design
Julian Stickley
Boyer and Elizabeth Bole Gonzales Scholarship

Interaction Design
Angelica Cupat
Boyer and Elizabeth Bole Gonzales Scholarship

Visual Communication Design
Joey Zingarelli
Boyer and Elizabeth Bole Gonzales Scholarship

