Kate Roberts, <em>Gate to nowhere</em>, 2017, fiber and unfired clay

3D4M Lecturer Kate Roberts was invited to participate in the 2017 Parcours Céramique Carougeois (PCC), a biennial exhibition in Switzerland organized by Fondation Bruckner. Artists from twelve countries participated, and all were fifteen years or less from receiving their degrees.

The exhibition ran from September 16–24, but Roberts arrived a month early to build her piece on site. Roberts created it in the Halles de la Fonderie, a central location for PCC, and Gate to nowhere was made of fiber and unfired clay. She learned at the closing ceremony that she had won the Fondation Bruckner Award, which included 2,000 Swiss francs (a little more than $2,000).

Read the English press release about PCC 2017, which mentions Roberts.

View several photos of Gate to nowhere in progress and completed.