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Donors: January – December 2017

Submitted on February 11, 2018 - 4:46pm

Gifts from our generous donors — individuals, foundations, and organizations — are critical to the success and morale of the School. We are deeply grateful for their support.

Join them by selecting one of our top funds for your donation.

Gifts $100,000 and above

Crabby Beach Foundation
Mary & Allan Kollar

Gifts $25,000 to $99,999

Aurilla Doerner*
Bruce Leven*
Herbert & Lucy Pruzan

Gifts $10,000 to $24,999

The Blakemore Foundation
The Boeing Company
Carole Fuller & Evan Schwab
Greg Kucera Gallery
Keith & Mary Kay McCaw Family Foundation
Alison & Glen Milliman
The Norcliffe Foundation
Catherine & Stephan Roche
Seattle Art Museum

Gifts $5,000 to $9,999

Dale and Leslie Chihuly Foundation
Steven & Gail Kaneko
Microsoft Corporation
Julie Speidel & Joseph Henke

Gifts $1,000 to $4,999

David & Mary Alhadeff
Judith & John Clark
Dondi Cupp & David Roberts
J. Renee Erickson
Goldman, Sachs and Company
Aaron Jamison
Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle
Jo Ann & Theodore Jonson
Harold Kawaguchi & Shaun Hubbard
Layne & Jack Kleinart
Alden Kroll
Linda LeResche & Michael Von Korff
George & Alice McCain
Maria Phillips
Koryn Rolstad
Åsa Sandlund & Preston Singletary
Joyce Scoll
Lynn Spohn & Bryan Abell
George & Kim Suyama
Suyama Peterson Deguchi, PLLC
Timothy Tomlinson
Anne Traver & Henry Aronson
The W Foundation
Arthur & Eva Wahl
M. Patricia Warashina
Michael Warsinske
Kathie Werner
Judith Whetzel
Jonathan Wood
Emily Zimmerman

Gifts $500 to $999

Richard Andrews & Colleen Chartier
Michalina Banel
John Barratt
Robert & Mary Casey
Arnold Celentano
Steven Cohn & Carol McCready-Cohn
Gretchen Enders
Linda & Terry Finn
Gary Fuller & Randy Everett
John & Ellen Hill
Robert & Fay Jones
Eric Larson & Teresa Bigelow
Edward Marquand
George Martin
William & Charlene O'Donnell
William Rives
John & Joanne Rupp
Mahnaz Sherzoi & George Schoonover III
Richard Stanton Jr. & Kristina Case
Douglas & Marjorie Wadden
Richard & Cheryl Zahniser Jr.

Gifts $250 to $499

ArcStudio LLC
Linda & Peter Capell
Catherine Cole
Joan DeClaire & Mark Malone
Alain Durand
James Harris & Carlos Garcia
David & Michele Hasson
Catherine Hillenbrand & Joseph Hudson
Jackie & Oscar Hunsaker
Bart Hutchinson
Gayle Jack
Michael & Donna James
Anna Kartsonis
James & Carole Kitchell
Karen Leeds
Risa Lewellyn & Paulette Jacobson
Margaret & Brian Livingston
Michael Longyear
Nancy Loorem & Ronald Adams
David Magee
Robert Mangurian
Jeanette Mills & Dale Flynn
Greg Oaksen
Robin & Marty Oppenheimer
William & Jean Oseran
Alan & Juliet Pruzan
Tina & Patrick Ragen Jr.
Judith Rinehart
Norie Sato & Ralph Berry Jr.
Neil Sofian
Betty Lou Treiger
Jerry Watt & Vreni Arx
Laurel Wilson
Laura Zeck & Jesse Doquilo

Gifts $100 to $249

Edie Adams
Debra Cox
Rebecca Cummins
James Donnen
Kyle Doughty-Higgins & Christopher Higgins
Sharon Frucci & Max Auguste
Ellen Garvens & James Phalen
Greg Gates
Robert Gillham
Jill Hansen
Mark & Paige Hasson
Kimball Jack
Sena Janky
Kenneth Kriekenbeck
Debbie Kuan
Mark & Susan Kubiak
Isaac Layman
Mary Lord
The Lumiere Group
Sherry Markovitz
W Thomas Moore
Amy Murphy
Nordstrom, Inc.
Peter & Terry Osborne
Gerri & Martin Rowen
David Rupel
Andrew Salituri
The Seattle Foundation
Beth Sellars
Richard & Barbara Shikiar
Zev & Robin Siegl
Adam Thordarson
John Toelken
Patrick Walker & Janet Charnley
Erin Weible
Rita Zurcher

Gifts $99 and under

Jean Alexander
Dianne Anderson
David Bark
Catherine Bath
Frances Blumhagen
Linda Bonica
Pamela Buesing
Jane Camden
Brittney Roach Cline
Leslie & Barry Dahl
Diane Davis
Signe Davis Heggem & John Davis
Laura & William Downing
Leigh Eisele
Glenn & Margaret Eklund
Elissa Favero
Mary Jane Fitch
Anne Focke
Scott & Stacy Frish
Martha Fulton & George Lastomirsky
Jane Geisenhoff
Shaghayegh Ghassemian
Michael Graves
Betha Gutsche
Margarite Hargrave & Richard Carlstad
Ann Hjelle
Robert & Eileen Iguchi
Sari Jack
Eric Jonas
Roger & Grace Jones
J. Robert & Judith Kimmerer
Christina Koehn
Mimi & Reuben Levy
Elinor Lindquist & Dave Salzer
Cassiana Magill
Kent Mettler & Tricia Tiano
Leslee & Dale Miller
Kathryn & Daniel Mortensen
Robert Mortenson*
Sara Nuttall
Caroline Orr
MacKenzie & Priscilla Owens
Marcin Paczkowski
Mary Peters
Marianne & Gregory Rasmussen
Debra Richards
Keleen Ridge
Richard & Carolle Rose
Asta Roseway
Dennis & Diane Sarr
Deborah & John Seger
Christina Shih
James & Paige Spee
Alison Stamey & W. C. Twig Mills
Patricia Svoboda
Olivera Teodorovic
Jens Thomassen
Naomi Tsukuda-Doering
Kay Tyllia & Frank Tyllia
James Urton
Laura & John Vornbrock
Joan & Robert Weis
Susan & W. Loren Williams
Rufina Wise
Takako Wright


Gifts were received from January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017. We regret any inadvertent errors. Omissions will be included in the next newsletter.

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