Inheritance by Katherine Groesbeck

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MONDAY – Volume 3

Submitted on February 19, 2019 - 4:00pm
Cover of Monday, volume 3


MONDAY is a limited-edition journal focused on critical art writing in the Pacific Northwest. Published twice a year by the Jacob Lawrence Gallery at the University of Washington School of Art + Art History + Design, it is a platform to support emerging and established critical voices and to help spur new ideas.

Each volume of MONDAY is thematically driven, highlighting artists’ writings alongside other diverse perspectives on a particular topic. The title of this volume is Études. There are 250 bound copies.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • György Ligeti, Désordre
  • David Golightly, Haunting Death: Reflections on Ligeti's Études pour piano, Vol. 1
  • György Ligeti, On My Études for Piano; translated by Sid McLauchlan
  • Nina Power, Woman Machines: The Future of Female Noise
  • Claire Cowie, After Genesis
  • Fred Moten, Sound in Florescence: Cecil Taylor Floating Garden
  • Ellen Garvens, Strings Attached
  • Charles Stobbs, The Estimated Mass of Theatre Lights in a Hollow Bar
  • Sonny Assu Interviewed by Gloria de Liberali
  • Kathryn Bunn-Marcuse, Textualizing Intangible Cultural Heritage: Querying the Methods of Art History
  • Leah St. Lawrence, Digitization and Personal Trauma: Processing Stress and Loss Through New Media Expressions
  • Sean Lockwood, Occupational Noise Thermometer Poster with Fold Lines
  • Judy Twedt: Reflections on Composing and Performing Climate Data; interviewed by Kristina Lee
  • Clotilde Jiménez Interviewed by Emily Zimmerman
  • Stuart Dempster, Deep Listening Extreme Slow Walk Equivalency (2006–2007), Dedicated to Pauline Oliveros
  • Emma McIntosh, Worried Notes and Troubled Light: Music and Hegel in Mondrian's Aesthetic Philosophy
  • SassyBlack, Lyrics from Worthy, from the album New Black Swing


Volume 3 of of MONDAY may be purchased online. The cost is $10 for students and $15 for all others. Proceeds support the next issue of the journal.

Go to Jacob Lawrence Gallery — Journal webpage.

