(balancing one’s own weight in a shadow of antithetical sides) by Paul Baughman

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Transitions 2020

Submitted on October 3, 2020 - 1:33pm

The School has seen changes in faculty and staff since last autumn. Below is a summary.


Ari Ortiz had worked in the Advising Office since July 2017. In October 2019, she left for a position in the Center for 21st Century Liberal Learning (C21), which is part of the UW College of Arts & Sciences.

Pam Lynne joined us in early November 2019 as the School's administrator. She has extensive UW experience including working with the Summer Arts Festival and managing the Chamber Dance Company.

Katie Twiss took on Ari Ortiz's former position in the Advising Office in early December 2019. She has helped in transitioning their Preview sessions for prospective students to the online environment.

Lisa Harman joined our fiscal team in mid-December 2019. Her position is half-time, but it is a crucial part of making sure that transactions are processed in a timely manner.


Christopher Ozubko retired as a professor in the Division of Design in June 2020. He was also director of the School from 1996 to 2014. Read more about Ozubko's career.

Sonal Khullar, an associate professor in the Division of Art History, departed in June 2020 to take a faculty position at the University of Pennsylvania.

Rob Rhee is a new assistant professor in Interdisciplinary Visual Art, which is part of our Division of Art. Learn more about Rhee.

Juliet Sperling has joined us as an assistant professor in Art History and holder of the Kollar Endowed Chair in American Art. Learn more about Sperling.

James Pierce is a new assistant professor of Interaction Design in our Division of Design. Learn more about Pierce.

