Landmark by Sarah Reitz

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Autumn 2020 Newsletter

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Jacob Lawrence Gallery

Other News

Interdisciplinary Visual Arts Associate Professor Curt Labitzke was featured in the September issue of University of Washington Magazine. The article contains a wealth of information about printmaking at home.

Art History Assistant Professor Kathryn Bunn-Marcuse is once again involved with Simpson Center funded projects. She is lead for Curating in Conversation, which will be a series of lectures presented by the Burke Museum's Bill Holm Center, and she is a co-organizer for Art at the Borders of the Political, which will be a variety of events during 2020–2021.

Photo/Media Assistant Professor Flint Jamison, in his role as board of directors president for Yale Union in Portland, had a part in the July announcement that Yale Union is ceding ownership of its building and land to the Native Arts and Cultures Foundation.

Visual Communication Design Professors Karen Cheng and Annabelle Gould were among a group of women designers invited to create posters for the AIGA Get Out the Vote campaign.

Art History MA student Abby Massarano has been named a 2020–2021 graduate fellow through the UW's Stroum Center for Jewish Studies. She also received a Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship to study Hebrew during this academic year. Read her article "Sephardic by birth, Massarano by choice" on the Stroum Center's website.

Marco Ammatelli (BA 2020) received a 2020 Bonderman Fellowship. We look forward to hearing about his travels in the future.

Edy Hideyoshi Horikawa (BA 1958, MFA 1961) turned 100 this summer and was featured in a Seattle Times article because he is a World War II vet.

Barbara Earl Thomas (BA 1973, MFA 1977) received a commission to create windows for the dining hall of Yale University's Grace Hopper College.

Yvonne Petkus (MFA 1996) has taught at Western Kentucky University for twenty years. This summer she was named a University Distinguished Professor because of her impressive record of artistic research, teaching, and service.

Dillon Gisch (BA 2013), who is currently working on a PhD in classical archaeology at Stanford University, is a 2020-2021 Rome Prize recipient.

Stephen Bader (BDes 2014) and Alanna MacGowan (MFA Design 2010) both work at Microsoft Envisioning and are featured in the most recent UW Design Alum story.

Read all alumni news since our last newsletter: June, July, August, September, and October.


Merith Bennett, Constituency Relations Officer,

Jeanette Mills, Newsletter Writer/Editor,

